Our family has always celebrated Christmas in a big way. Some would say in an excessive manner. But I ask, what is wrong with excess (tempered by reason, of course)? I LOVE buying people gifts, and there is nothing more exciting for me than to watch them open. I love decorating (I usually have 3 Christmas trees along with Hannukkah decorations), I love wrapping, I enjoy giving. Doing a BIG Christmas comes from a lifetime of tradition.

My grandmother’s house was tiny, but at Christmas, the gifts were piled so high they were almost over our heads! Some of the most magical moments of my life were spent in that tiny house at Christmas time…it was crowded with family, smelled heavenly from the almost constant Kentucky cooking, and the Christmas tree was always a marvel to us.
My parents always had a huge Christmas for my brother and I as well, and my brother was constantly sneaking around trying to find all of his gifts before they were wrapped. I wanted to be surprised so I rarely looked. I have always loved the anticipation of Christmas morning! These family traditions mean the world to me, but I never forget that there are those who will receive little, or nothing at all. Our world, so full of wonder and beauty, is also sadly filled with those who are much less fortunate. There are causes everywhere, and many of them are worthy of our consideration. All through the year we must be conscious of those less fortunate, but at Christmas, at Hannukkah, there is simply no question that we must reach out and give to those in need. I cannot bear the thought of a child waking up on Christmas morning without having a present.

Every year we participate in providing for a family. We have chosen the Genesis Women’s Shelter for abused women. The holidays must be so difficult for a traumatized mother and her child(ren)…it is so hard to imagine. Women’s shelters are always in need, but especially during the holidays. In Dallas, we adopt a Genesis Shelter family for the holidays. We provide gifts and necessities for that family, and send food to the North Texas Food Bank. I urge you to do the same, wherever you live. What a wonderful lesson for your children or grandchildren. I used to take my kids shopping and let them choose toys for our “family”. They sometimes came with me to drop the gifts off. Yes, we have an excessive Christmas, but I make sure it is not a selfish Christmas. By giving, we enhance not only the lives of others, but also our own lives. This year, spread good cheer by giving to others! Make it a family activity…you’ll be glad you did! How to do it? See below!
Remind a mom and her children that Santa can still find their family this holiday season. Gather your family, co-workers, friends, church group, or book club to adopt a family! You may adopt one or more families. We will provide you with specific wish lists which you fulfill (similar to an Angel Tree). You can specify if you want to shop for a single woman or if you’d like to shop for a certain size family. Please contact Dodie at dhamrick@genesisshelter.org.
Good for you! We are also giving to a women’s shelter this year. It’s a good feeling.
Carol Cassara recently posted…Snarky but unique holiday gifts
A very good feeling, I agree!
Tam Warner recently posted…‘Tis the Season for Giving
What a wonderful idea. I think there’s so much excess around the holidays that I’d much rather give back to those in need. I think of those moms and their children, too. But we need to also think of them all year long. Wonderful post. LOVE the photos. Your grandmother’s tree is awesome!
Cathy Chester recently posted…What Peter Jennings, David Halberstam And Myron Cohen Have In Common. Really.
Thanks. Grandma’s tree was magic! We were so mesmerized by all of the gifts!
Tam Warner recently posted…‘Tis the Season for Giving
We purchase the entire list of a person who’s been paying on their lay-away at Kmart. The secret of Secret Santa is out, I guess.
Cheryl Nicholl recently posted…A Commander’s Palace
Paying it forward! How awesome! A great idea!
I love this! I am so on board with taking this Season outside of ourselves. Great pictures!!
Stacia Fernandez recently posted…How I Learned To Love My 52-Year-Old Hands
Thanks. I still am a bit excessive, but tradition is tradition!
Good for you for spreading the seasonal joy around. The true Christmas spirit.
I agree. Thanks, Rox!
Tam Warner recently posted…‘Tis the Season for Giving
I love that you think of others. I come from a family of philanthropist and have carried on the tradition of doing the same with my children. We help a few families at the women’s shelter and our parish. Happy Hoildays!
Happy holidays to you!
Tam Warner recently posted…‘Tis the Season for Giving
I love BIG holiday gatherings. May yours be blessed with all the happiness in the world!
Yours too! The more the merrier!
Tam Warner recently posted…‘Tis the Season for Giving
Thank you!
We always include charity giving in our list…and try to make it the top of the list. We’ve done many different things, and it’s always been personally rewarding.
kim recently posted…and then they bought matching ukuleles
I agree. I LOVE the ukuleles!!!!
Wonderful post and very inspiring! We support a shelter here in Orange County. The holidays can be so stressful and especially hard when you have financial difficulties.
Suzanne Stavert recently posted…Hawaiian paradise! Photos of our trip to Hawaii and Maui
Thank you. I cannot imagine how tough it would be to spend Christmas in a shelter. The least we can do is spread a little cheer!
Tam Warner recently posted…‘Tis the Season for Giving
Your holiday traditions are heart warming. I love that you also help those in need for whom holidays can be especially difficult.
Thank you, Helene!
Tam Warner recently posted…‘Tis the Season for Giving
Thank you.
Tempering excess with gratitude… what a great formula! I hope that your children, once grown, will carry on your tradition 🙂
Jackie recently posted…Channeling Grandma
I hope so too. I believe they will.
Love both the glimpse at your family tradition and this great cause! Thanks for both!
Thank you Ruth!
What sweet holiday memories you have! I love that you give to those less fortunate. Everyone should.
Angela Weight recently posted…Seriously? Amazon Kindle Publishing Wants Me to Lose Weight!
Our family holidays always bring the most wonderful memories….and most of the joy for me is giving.
Great post, and a celebration of the true meaning of the holiday season.If more people focused on giving rather than getting, the world would be a better place, for sure.
Lois Alter Mark recently posted…10 places i want to visit in 2015
Thank you, Lois. I have always thought giving was the true gift of the holiday!
I love gift giving too. What a great cause! My sister does a whole family every year too. I donate gifts through my church.
i love that you give back by supporting a woman’s shelter!
Estelle recently posted…Review of Big Hero 6 Disney Movie
Thank you!