After three solid weeks of pouring rain, flooding and storms, Dallas is sunny. For the first time since 2012, Texas is not in a severe drought, which is good, but the rains have cost people in the state both lives and property. Texas can never do anything in a small, reasonable way…if it is going to exit the drought, it’s going to do it in a BIG way.
The weather says sunny for several more days, and I can only hope that is true. I now understand the concept of depression without sunshine. I love rain and storms, but even I am completely sick of the weather. Sunny weather, please do stay!

Lake Travis is at its highest level since 2011, but Texas is still not out of water trouble. Some cities were within 90 days of running out of water. It only took Texas 5 years to draw our water supplies down to critical drought level. Hopefully, Texans will be a little more conservative with water use now. If we go back to months of relentless sun and heat, our water supply won’t take long to dry up again.
Texas is such a conservative state that one never hears anything about critical water levels (except water restrictions for lawns), and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality won’t comment on whether or not water conservation will continue. Hopefully it will!
So, here’s hoping for several sunny days…but we will hope for rain on and off throughout the summer to keep water supplies topped off!
Although I live in San Diego and have sunshine almost every day….my daughter and her family have been living in Seattle these past two years. I totally get what you mean about how the lack of sunshine can affect your mood — even cause depression. We have visited Seattle many times and after 10 days of no sun…we feel the affects….you feel kinda “blue”. I hope for sunny days ahead for you.
Thanks! Texas never quite gets it right…rain for 3 weeks, or relentless heat and sunshine for 3 months!
Tam Warner recently posted…The Sun is Finally Shining in Texas!
Such a great message here, we all need to conserve water regardless of what state we are in. Glad Mother Nature provided the moisture and also glad for your sunshine. California needs that rain too!
Elin Stebbins Waldal recently posted…A Memorial Day Love Story
I know it does! We need more too….we just don’t want it so that it floods!
Hopefully, the worst of the weather is over for Texas!
Mary recently posted…National Burger Day 2015!
I’m so glad your sun finally arrived. It’s our turn now. We’ve been having severe thunderstorms and lots of rain all day and th3y are supposed to continue all week.
ugh. Sunshine has been a mood elevator here!
Thank goodness. Oh how I wish I could have some of your water. I hope this is the end of it for Texas, all that horrible flooding.
Yes, I hope no more flooding. But we still need to top off our water supply!
I just got home to PA after spending a week in Ft. Worth. I think it rained everyday with a thunderstorm at night. So much rain and even hail. I hope that I was there for the worst of it and that sunny skies are in the forecast.
me, too! I’ve never seen anything like the last 3 weeks here!
Hopefully the sun will stay out for a while for you! Here in California, we are begging for rain.
Our moods certainly do tend to sync to the weather, don’t they? Here’s hoping you continue to get the sunshine you deserve.
Heartbreaking what happened to so many folks. My daughter was so saddened by it – she wanted to go volunteer and help them out. I hope it stays sunny for you as well and I agree – I hope folks learn to conserve water now a little more wisely.
Carolann recently posted…Married For Decades And We Argue About The Silliest Things
I do hope your sunshine continues and hope we get some rain here in Southern California. The weather is crazy!
Its so amazing how one region gets too much rain and the other is desperate for it! I hope you have some sunshine for a while.