Exciting! Travels with Tam was nominated by Adventures of Empty Nesters, and I thank Suzanne Stavert for such an honor! The Liebster Award is for discovering “newish” bloggers, and while I have been doing this for about two years, I still feel very much like a newbie. I learn something every day, and I am enjoying the journey! One is supposed to list 11 facts about oneself, then answer 11 questions. So here goes!
11 Facts
- I grew up in the midwest, Ohio to be exact (with family in Kentucky, and a lot of Kentucky influence!).
- I was adopted when I was around 2 years old, and I was taken in at 6 months by my parents.
- I have a wonderful family. My husband and I have two young adult children, and they are both marrying in 2015! My son married on May 3, and my daughter will marry on October 3. Yes, a very busy year!
- My husband, Randy, had a double lung transplant in September, 2013. I blogged about the events, and have continued to do so since transplant definitely has an impact on the rest of your life. (Our Lung Transplant Journey)
- I LOVE to scuba dive and take underwater photos.
- I LOVE to travel, and I used to be a travel agent, back in another lifetime!
- I LOVE history, and other cultures, and going on volunteer citizen science dive trips.
- I am a conservationist, I care passionately about our oceans, the earth, and the animals who exist alongside humans. We are driving them to extinction, and driving our planet to the edge of its ability to support human life. I support many conservation groups, but especially those concerned with the ocean.
- I have a Master of Science in Sociology, with an emphasis on Gender and Criminology. My Bachelor of Arts is in Sociology with an emphasis on Political Economy.
- I taught Gender, Criminology, and Race at the University level for several years, then counseled high school students regarding their college choices in private practice.
- I am enthusiastic, thrilled, and exhilarated to travel, learn, and experience. “Wonder” is my middle name! (not really)
My family You probably know too much by now, but I have to answer 11 questions. I’ll try to be brief, which is obviously a difficult task!
- What is your dream destination? That one is too tough to answer…I have been to many of my dream destinations, but there are plenty left, mostly Antarctica (animals), Indonesia (diving), Galapagos, and Austraila. Two of these destinations are already planned for next year.
- What places have you visited that you thought were highly overrated? Hmmm. I really enjoy traveling…I’m pretty excited about anywhere I go, actually. Probably “hell” on Grand Cayman…I thought that was a little lame.
- What is your favorite U.S. destination? Again, a tough one. I love San Francisco and Boston, my two favorite US cities. Northern California, the Pacific Coast Highway, and Lake Tahoe are among my favorites too. And let’s not forget the southern (east) coast of Florida and the Keys.
- What makes you happy? So many things make me happy! My family, friends, manta rays, whale sharks, eels…all fishy creatures and all land creatures (except snakes and big spiders, I’m a little leery of them). Reading. My dogs. Photography. Diving. The ocean. Trees. Vistas. Poker. I’m pretty easy to please, actually.
- Why did you start blogging? My first stab at blogging was in 2012, and it was on a travel blog site…I had gone to Africa by myself on my first Citizen Science trip, and blogging about it was the way I kept my family and friends informed. It was also a way for me to document my experience. I had a life-changing trip, and found that my love of writing was still strong.
- What are your top three bucket list items? Number one, I don’t like the term “bucket list”. What are my top 3 places to go before I die? I guess I would have to say that I want to dive the Galapagos, Cocos Island, and Raja Ampat…prior to the time I would/might be unable to dive. But….there are many other things and places I want to do and see before that! It’s endless.
- What is one piece of advice you would offer or one saying you live by? My code? I’m a Desiderata kind of person. What I live by is this: tomorrow is promised to no one. Do what you want NOW, say what you need to say NOW. Now is all we will ever get.
- What is the best thing anyone has ever said about your blog? Aside from people enjoying it and my photographs, and saying they live vicariously through me? (you have to admit, that is pretty flattering!). The best thing I have heard is “I have learned so much from you.”
- What is your ultimate guilty pleasure? Eating fresh, hot chocolate chip cookies (or peanut butter, I’m not fussy) straight out of the oven with a tall glass of milk while reading a favorite book.
- What is one product or service you cannot live without? I cannot live without a presciption scuba diving mask or I would miss an entire world…and my underwater camera is second!
- What two countries make you the happiest to visit? Mexico is number one. I love the coasts, islands, people and underwater creatures of wonderful, sunny Mexico! The second is England. I have an absolute love affair with English history, English culture, and Richard III. According to my DNA I am 62% UK (English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh). England is magical to me…it would take a novel to explain it all…but I could spend years there.
Now it is my turn to do some nominating…I’m not sure how many to nominate, but here goes:
Cindy Gaskell 82 degree Quest
Heather The Travel Type Blog
Kimberly Montgomery FiftyJewels
Hélène Tragos Stelian The Next Act for Women
Jenny A Taste of Travel Blog
Cheryl and/or Lisa What Boundaries?

I LOVED reading more about you and learning more! You are such a vibrant, special adventurer! You have so many talents it’s amazing. Thank you for participating and for writing such an exciting blog!
You are such a sweetheart! Thank you for the nomination! I enjoyed reading yours as well! But you didn’t put down 11 facts. Let’s have them!
Tam, congratulations on the well deserved nomination for the Liebster award. As I have mentioned before, I am one of those who lives vicariously through you 🙂 …and I get so much enjoyment out of it. I think you are one of those very special people that help others readjust their life compass in a much more positive and fulfilling direction. Your blog is a constant reminder for me to live life in the moment, and not wait. Thank you for who you are, and what you give the rest of us !!!
Barb, that is officially the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me, to me, about my blog, to my blog. You have been steadfast…I am so grateful you are there!
Hope you win!
I think I already did!
And I thought i knew a lot about you!There’s always more, it seems!
More to all of us, I’m sure!
I love learning about people. I also care passionately about our oceans, the earth, animals, and the planet. You sound like an interesting person that I’d like to get to know. I will sign up for your blog.
Thank you! I am always interested to know people who care about our oceans, earth, animals…I’ve reached a point in my life where I agree with something Meryl Streep said, paraphrasing, “If you don’t like animals I don’t need to get to know you, I know enough.” Welcome, Sherry!!!
Someday I MUST meet you in person. You are a true Renaissance woman and you know what? I DO learn from you. I also live through you. Yup. All the underwater photos and the animals you meet. Boy, I’d love to do that.
Thanks for giving me more reasons to find you so fascinating, Tam!
Cathy Chester recently posted…My #EarthFootwear Shoes Are Made For Walking And That’s Just What I’ll Do
You are amazing, and yes, we should meet! Thank you for your compliments! Fascinating? I’ll be sure and tell my family that!
LUV that photo of the sting ray – absolutely stunning!
Kimba recently posted…Please Sir, I Want Some More
Thanks, Kimba!
Love your blog — especially your wonderful photos — so I’m not at all surprised that you’re being recognized. I enjoy seeing the world through your eyes!
Thank you so much!
They are always fun to do and read. Congrats to all of you! I will look forward to your responses!
Hi Tam, thanks so much for the nomination, I’ll happily participate. Do I answer the same questions that you did or do you make up your own?
One Salty Blonde recently posted…Being from Nowhere
you answer the same questions! 11 facts and 11 questions! I’ll enjoy reading yours.