Villa Blanca is a reef north of the cruise ship port, and one does not see many dive boats in the area. Most of the “dramatic” dive sites are in the south, so Villa Blanca gets much less credit than it deserves. Villa Blanca is a wall dive, filled with sponges and soft corals rather than towering mountains of hard coral. There is abundant life on the reef…if you look closely!

So don’t be afraid to venture out of the “usual” reefs…the dive boats like to go to the more familiar spots that everyone asks for, especially Palancar. I can assure you that Villa Blanca is worth the dive off the beaten path, and the best news? You’ll probably be the only boat there, and that is a rarity on Cozumel’s dive sites. Enjoy the leisure of this unusual wall dive…and by the way, it is an incredible night dive.