The Ultimate Travel Kit You Need for Your Post-covid Travels!

Do you love to travel and see the world? Have you felt caged ever since the COVID-19 pandemic began and quarantines fell into place? If so, the good news is that the COVID-19 vaccine programs are putting an end to this pandemic and traveling across the United States as well as internationally is becoming a reality again. Whether you want to take a train through Europe or roam around Vietnam, there are ways to stay safe in the post-coronavirus world.
Along with being vaccinated if you are able, bringing along an excellent travel kit when going on vacation could keep you much safer from COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses. First, you’ll need to bring several masks to wear. Then, your travel kit will need nylon or plastic gloves, cleaning wipes, and plenty of hand sanitizer. Lastly, tap water in other countries may not be safe to drink. As such, to remove any harmful bacteria from your water, you’ll benefit from using Big Berkey Water Filters. These filters are superior at removing bacteria including E. coli, viruses, herbicides and pesticides, parasites, and heavy metals.

Below, we outline the best equipment you’ll need in your travel kit to stay safe.
The Best Masks for Protecting Against COVID-19
According to a study from the Journal of Hospital Infection, medical grade masks known as N99 and N95 are the absolute best at filtering viruses and other particles. Both masks reduce the wearer’s exposure to infection by 94 to 99 percent. The next best thing after these medical grade masks is to wear disposable surgical masks. These surgical masks are three times better than homemade cloth masks at blocking out viral particles.
However, it is important to note that medical workers require these types of masks more than the average person. It is important to ensure healthcare staff have access to these masks first. As such, if you know that you’ll be traveling somewhere that COVID-19 is not a major risk, you’ll want to mostly wear medical-grade masks in crowded environments. Otherwise, wearing cloth masks with three layers should keep you safe in most other places.

The Right Disposable Gloves for You
If you’re looking for the best type of disposable gloves that are tear-resistant and built for comfort, Wonderful Engineering recommends the Essential Goods Vinyl gloves. These are 5 millimeters thick, which keeps them from breaking and protects you from contamination. Be sure to include disposable gloves in your travel kit, especially if you’re expecting to travel by plane, bus, or train. These types of transportation modes tend to have a large number of travelers, which only increases risk of respiratory illnesses like COVID-19.
Add Cleaning Wipes to Your Travel Kit
You’ll want to have plenty of cleaning wipes on hand when traveling. Think about it – how do you stay safe when sitting down at an airport to wait for your plane? You’ll want to have cleaning wipes to ensure the seats you’re using have no viral or bacterial particles. If you’re staying at a hotel or even an Airbnb, you’ll need disinfecting wipes to clean off tables, chairs, sinks, and more.
According to Business Insider, Clorox’s Disinfecting Wipes can kill nearly 100 percent of all germs while also getting rid of grease and soap scum. They’ll get rid of stains while keeping you safe from COVID-19. After wiping down your equipment or furniture, let the area air dry so that it completely kills the bacteria and viruses.
The Best Hand Sanitizer for Traveling
While washing your hands with soap and warm water works well at preventing COVID-19, you may not have access to soap and water when traveling and vacationing. As such, you’ll want to have plenty of hand sanitizer in your travel kit.
Purell Advanced Hand Sanitizer is highly desired since it is regularly used by hospitals and clinics and contains more ethyl alcohol than other brands, according to healthline. This hand sanitizer has 70 percent ethyl alcohol, which is more than recommended by the CDC.
When packing for your summer travels, be sure to include a number of different masks, disposable gloves, disinfecting wipes, and extra hand sanitizer in your travel kit. With these items, you’re sure to enjoy seeing the world while staying safe from COVID-19.
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