I have been planning a dive trip to Thailand / Myanmar for quite a while now. I leave on Thursday morning for Bangkok, via Tokyo. Well, I will end up in Phuket, as the boat leaves Khao Lak on the 2March for the Mergui Archipelago off of Myanmar. To say that I am excited would be an understatement! I have all of my camera gear out, ready to be packed, and I have planned how I am going carry everything I need. As I sit here at my kitchen table, I am surrounded by my Canon G15, DS1 strobes, my GoPro, and my Sea Dragon light. I’ve taken all of it to Scubatoys and played with it in the pool to make sure everything is working. It’s all a go.
Except I am a little concerned. I thought Randy would be fully recovered by now. His rejection episode a week ago shook me up, even though we’ve been reassured by the Lung Transplant Team that the rejection episode is not uncommon. The side effects of the medications are also pretty intense, and Ran is frustrated that he is not feeling better. I realize there is really nothing I can do, and it is good for me to get away. This is something Randy and I have discussed, and we are agreed on several issues. One thing I have always known is that if you wait, often it will be too late. I have known many people who planned to travel and do activities but they always put it off, and then all of a sudden, it is not possible anymore. I do have some health issues, and I don’t plan to wait. There will come a day when I can no longer take the trips I have dreamed of….Indonesia, Australia, Yap, Palau, Alaska, Galapagos. Eventually, long in the future I hope, those dives will no longer be possible. I can do it now. And now is all a person ever really has.
I will blog from Thailand, and post photos. I’m sure I will have internet in Thailand…unsure about Myanmar. I will photograph every fish I see, and throw myself into each and every moment. Hasta la vista, baby!