I am so excited I just have to share this with you! I’ve been invited to participate in a new media partnership between SheKnows Media (SheKnows recently purchased BlogHer) and PRI Across Women’s Lives! Word about the new initiative: “Across Women’s Lives seeks to change the conversation in news media, because women’s lives are newsworthy. It is an in-depth series by PRI that will reveal the strong connection between the empowerment of women and girls, and economic development and improved health around the world. PRI is combining deep-focus reporting on women throughout the world with unprecedented outreach so that these stories are heard and can make a difference. It’s funded in part by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.”
As some of you may, or may not, know, feminism is a philosophy I feel strongly about. I received a graduate degree in Sociology and my field of study was Gender. I taught Gender Issues at the University of Texas Dallas for many years. At times I have felt like I’ve been pounding my head on a brick wall, so I welcome the opportunity to join such a distinguished group of women, women bloggers, and writers. I have always strived to help make a difference in women’s lives, empowering them to travel, try new things, and get out of their comfort zones. Much of the Modern, Westernized World is far ahead of us in this respect, and many nations in other parts of the world are as well. Check out this list of current female leaders. As for percentages of congressional or legislative seats held by women in 2014? Check out this list:
Austria 33%
Australia 26%
Belgium 41%
Demark 39%
France 26%
Germany 37%
Iceland 40%
The Netherlands 39%
New Zealand 34%
Norway 40%
Spain 40%
Sweden 45%
Switzerland 31%
UK 23%
and the United States of America, the land of equality and the American dream? 18%.
Even Afghanistan has more women in congress at 28%!
The majority of the countries listed have paid parental leave, state or corporate paid daycare or allowance for it, generously paid vacation time, state paid single payer insurance for every citizen, paid disability, paid sick time…the benefits go on. Yes, they have a higher tax rate. I wonder if corporate America or the top 1% of Americans could afford to pay more taxes? Hmm. I bet they have a few extra dollars on hand. These nations have a much lower incarceration rate, higher student test scores, and much lower health care cost than the US. I could go on and on.
These are just statistical averages showing that the more women involved in making laws, the more benefits people have. Less war, too. These countries rarely go around attacking other nations. PRI headline: When a Country has Problems, Women are Often the Answer. http://www.pri.org/stories/2015-02-03/when-country-has-problems-women-are-often-answer
Women are underpaid and undervalued in most of the world. The only way toward change is to change our attitudes. I’m thrilled to be a part of the SheKnows and PRI Across Women’s Lives program to raise awareness about the lives of women, and to make it known that #womenslivesmatter.
Stay tuned for more about Women’s Lives. Yes, Women’s Lives Matter!