When Randy and I built our home in Mexico, our children were 10 and 13. We came every summer for one month, and of course the kids wanted a friend to visit, so that basically turned into A LOT of friends visiting! Wes had 3 he always invited, and they were always ready to come, Alec, Cooper and Charlie. The boys have known each other since preschool, and elementary school. They are more family than friends. Through the years we have taken them to every tourist spot on the island, and some on the mainland. We taught them to snorkel, then to dive.

Alec, sadly, could not come this year, so the “Fab 4” is not intact, instead we have the “3 Muskateers”. We are just so happy they still want to come and dive! Randy isn’t diving this summer due to a health condition, but the 3 are here and diving with me! We’ve done several dives, including a night dive.
Two of them just graduated college, my son, Wes, and Charlie, and Cooper is managing a restaurant (or two or three). Real life hovers on the horizon, so I know these times are precious. Soon, they will be working and leading their

adult lives, and it will probably be difficult to get everyone here at the same time. Of course, we talk about how they can bring their girlfriends, wives, partners, and eventually (omg!) their children. We have incredible memories here with them. Two years ago we had the boys and a group of girls, and they told me, “we like it better when you plan everything out for us.” LOL.
We didn’t dive today…and it is absolutely POURING outside! It has rained a lot during July, more than I can remember. Today we are also having thunderstorms. I usually like the rain, but I am ready for a real sunny day in the Caribbean.

If you noticed on my Facebook page, Travels with Tam, I posted questions regarding nurse sharks that seemed enclosed between four fence walls at Chankanaab Park. There appear to be a couple of bulges, so those must be areas they can get in and out of. I have been assured they can come and go, there is a hole in the fence. I’ll have to keep going over to see if I can ever see them out of the fenced area, would love to get photos of them freely moving around! There are tons of silversides, and a few groupers as well. Will keep you posted!