ah, Charleston! A lovely, southern city of grace and charm, surrounded by water both fresh and salt, with plantations full of flowers and historical architecture galore. I went to visit College of Charleston, visited with one of my students, and enjoyed the city and surrounds for a few days. I would love to go back in the spring, when everything is blooming!

One of the reasons for our visit to Charleston was to see the College of Charleston. As a private college consultant, I visit college campuses on a regular basis, and it is always more fun when I have a student there! Kirby showed me around campus…and it is quite a beautiful campus!
While wandering the city, we found the first synagogue built in the new USA on one of the side streets.

My favorite time was spent at Magnolia Plantation on the Ashley River. It is now Botanical Gardens and park. Many people choose to marry at Magnolia, and it is not hard to figure out why! The house and the grounds are beautiful. And, of course, I made new friends.

The Isle of Palms
And, of course, Fort Sumter!

Just outside of Charleston, we stopped to see the Angel Oak. The Angel Oak Tree is a Southern Oak, variously estimated to be at least 400 and as much as 1400-1500 years old, stands 66.5 ft (20 m) tall, measures 28 ft (8.5 m) in circumference, and produces shade that covers 17,200 square feet (1,600 m2). From tip to tip Its longest branch distance is 187 ft. This is the biggest, craziest tree I have ever seen!

I could go on and on. Then on some more. These photos give you the idea I am sure!
I would love to go back and stay longer.