It is Giving Tuesday, everyone! Giving is a good thing! Generosity is always a positive. At this time in our history, I believe it is imperative to do something, whether it is for people, the environment, or our fellow creatures. These are all causes that need support, and are worthy of your generosity. Why not give to:

- Genesis Women’s Shelter, Dallas, Tx: Genesis is an important part of our fight against domestic violence, which still happens everywhere in the world. Genesis provides housing, training, and child care for those in need. Their Christmas program may be the only gifts these children, and mothers, receive. You can choose your family size by clicking on their website . Give a happy holiday to a family in need.
REEF Survey Team December 2015 St Lucia - REEF is an organization of divers and ocean enthusiasts who are dedicated to protecting our oceans. Ocean Conservation is one of the most important issues of our time. We need our oceans healthy and alive in order to breathe, eat, and live. I have donated and given time on one of their expeditions in St Lucia. REEF is a wonderful organization!
International women indeed! USA, USA, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Scotland, and USA living in Mozambique. Helping conserve our oceans and marine life. - Marine Megafauna Foundation: There are several ways to help Marine Megafauna save these giants for future generations! Become a Marine Guardian, Adopt something BIG, or become a Sponsor. You can also give back by participating in Citizen Science on their Ray of Hope Expeditions! I have done several of these trips and it benefits not only Ray of Hope, but one’s self!
I’m photographing a Giant Manta Ray on an expedition with Marine Megafauna’s Dr Andrea Marshall. - No matter your political affiliation, the separation of children from their parents is just plain wrong. There are still separated families and frightened children without their parents. You can give to to help reunite families. What better gift to a child than to be reunited with her/his parents?
- I met Paul North of Meet the Ocean in Antarctica! Paul’s non-profit is educating the public on the importance of the saltwaters of our planet. Employing science, storytelling, and encounters from earth’s most remote locations, MTO combats environmental apathy and further understanding of how the ocean functions, in order to better protect it. Giving to Meet the Ocean helps educate kids!
There are so many organizations out there worthy of your time and money! What organizations do you routinely give to? Please leave a comment and tell us what charities you support!