While visiting the southeastern coast I had to drop in on Tybee Island’s Marine Science Center. The Center participates in sea and marsh rescues, rehabilitation, and education about the creatures that inhabit Georgia’s coast line. They put on Sea Camps, bring presentations to schools, churches or family events, and have daily beach walks so others can learn about the flora and fauna of the Georgia barrier islands. Most exciting, they are in a capital campaign to raise funds to move into a true science center on the north side of the island. Take a look at their website to learn more!
My husband and I took a tour of the facility this week, and enjoyed the passion of the center director, Cody Shelley. Cody is dedicated to the center and its mission, and her enthusiasm is infectious! The center does the best it can with its current facility, but it is obvious it needs to grow into a larger space. Most interesting to me, of course, were the center’s current inhabitants. Many of the turtle species I had never seen, or heard of, before. I cannot believe how pretty they are…they look like lizards in a shell.

The touch tank is also filled with interesting characters….hermit crabs, moon crabs (the shells are gorgeous!), and horseshoe crabs. The Horseshoe crab is so fascinating to watch. Fossils of Horseshoe crabs have been dated back 450 million years! They are older than dinosaurs, and survived with no changes. They have blue blood, and are completely harmless. Many people think the tail is harmful, but it is only used to flip the crab over in case it lands upside down.

After a tour of the facility it was time for a beach walk with Beth. We were lucky, we hit a day when it was just adults, and only four of us. We walked the beach, learned about tides, beach renourishment, and learned about some of the creatures on the beach. There are very many crabs, sand dollars, horseshoe crabs and hermit crabs around…one just has to know where to look!

If you find yourself in Savannah, or along the barrier islands of Georgia, be sure and pay a visit to my friends at the Tybee Island Marine Science Center. I always love to learn!