I recently had a Beautiful Morning on the Guadelupe River, near the quaint town of New Braunfels. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a water girl. Whether I am diving in it, snorkeling in it, swimming in it, looking at it, kayaking in it, or rafting in it, I am happy. That’s not to say I haven’t had a mishap here and there, and my beautiful trip on the Guadelupe had some exciting moments, but hey, that is par for the course!

My gracious hosts at In New Braunfels set me up with Rockin’ R, and I was so lucky to have Woody Welch as my guide. Woody is an expert on the Guadelupe, and is writing a book about it. He is a professional photographer, conservationist and fellow water enthusiast, so I was very excited to be with someone so experienced. The Guadelupe is low, but there are still some rapids and waterfalls to navigate. The second waterfall we went through was the one I fell out of the boat on, Clutter Falls. I was cluttered all right! But after a few moments I was able to steady myself against a rock, work my raft/kayak free, and float down to where I could get back on. A few colorful bruises and scrapes, but happy to be back paddling the river.

We were paddling for 3 and 1/2 hours, and we did not see another human being the entire time. We saw blue heron, red hawks, peregrine falcons, geese, ducks, cormerants, and deer on our journey. It was absolutely peaceful and spectacular at the same time. I had no idea it was so beautiful! The water was teal! New Braunfels is a beautiful place, and one you should make time to visit! I hope you enjoy my photographic journey on the Guadelupe!
