Stay Healthy on Your Travels!
The summer holiday season is finally upon us, and thousands of families around the world are making the most of the summer sun and traveling to new places. This year, if you want to make the most of your holiday and not end up feeling jet lagged for a week you can focus on staying healthy. It might sound boring, but it can make a big difference to both your body and mood when you are away, here are some of the top ways to stay healthy while you are on vacation!
Perhaps the most crucial way to keep your spirits up and your body kicking this summer is to make sure you get enough sleep. Sleep is crucial for our body and our mood when we go on vacation so it is important to make sure you are getting a decent amount of zzz’s every night. If you can sleep on the plane this is even better because you can start your holiday with a spring in your step! For me, a plane is like a sleeping pill, I can fall asleep before it even takes off!
If you are staying in the city for a week, you don’t have to see every single thing in one day. Give yourself time to explore an area every day and make the most of the time you have to relax, visit a cafe and grab a drink. Don’t be afraid to kick back one day and do absolutely nothing, it can really make your trip, and your day!
If you have planned a full day of hiking or exploring the local area, one great way to stay healthy is to stretch before you go. Spend 5-10 minutes doing a small yoga flow or simply stretching out your muscles before you set off and it will reduce the risk of injury during the day. There is absolutely nothing better for you than doing yoga while traveling!

Make sure that before you go away on holiday you check in with your doctor and dentist for a clean bill of health. This will allow you to gather any medicine you need such as a portable oxygen tank to check out of you have respiratory issues, put together a medical kit and be ready for any illness you may contract while away. Especially consider your health if you are changing altitudes!
If you want to stay fit and healthy during your travels you will want to try and walk as much as you can instead of using a car. If walking really isn’t for you, you can hire some bicycles for the week and ride them around the place to burn fat while enjoying the fresh air! It’s like doing a ton of cardio without realizing it!
Just because you are on holiday isn’t an excuse to give up on your fitness plan! Get yourself a temporary membership at the hotel gym and squeeze in a few short sessions during your stay. If the gym isn’t for you, you can usually find yoga on the beach, water sports in the sea and even just follow a YouTube workout in your room. If you have gone to the effort of getting fit and healthy, it is not the right time to break that streak!
The best advice??? KEEP MOVING!