Such beautiful dives, Santa Rosa Shallows (always a favorite) and Cedral Wall.
Such beautiful dives, Santa Rosa Shallows (always a favorite) and Cedral Wall.
I kind of like these posts! I get to choose photos and relive a trip, or time, of my life. After much thought, I have decided that today is….Savannah, Georgia! For those who do not know, I am also a private college consultant, and Randy and I took a trip to Savannah to check out Savannah College of Art and Design. Fabulous school…and we fell in love with the city. It feels like going into the past…it is charming and beautiful, with so much history! We also loved the river, and the Bonaventure Cemetery. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil…we only saw the good side of Savannah!
And who, you ask, was Johnny Mercer? An American lyricist, songwriterand singer. He was also a co-founder of Capitol Records.
General Nathanael Greene, second in command to General George Washington, is interred in Savannah. General Greene is an ancestor of Randy’s, on his mother’s side.
As their website says, “It is a place full of nostalgia and intriguing characters. It is a colorful mosaic of times and people and the bonds that have formed throughout the years. The feelings of home and family are evident when you walk through the door. As you look around at all of the knickknacks, paintings, family pictures and memorabilia that form its décor, you may wonder how a drugstore could have evolved into what you see now…..World Famous Clary’s Café. ” If you go to Savannah, you must eat at Clary’s!
The Northern Troops camped in Savannah’s sacred Colonial Park Cemetery, and defaced many of the tombstones, and changed dates and performed other mischief. When you go, be sure to view these stones.
We loved our visit to Savannah, and looking at these photos, I’d love to go back! I have an excuse, I have 3 students at the Savannah College of Art and Design!