When you get knocked down, it’s time to Restart, Revitalize, and Revamp Your Life, so that is exactly what I am going to do.

By age 60, we’ve experienced most of what life has to offer. We know how difficult the business of living can be, and each new decade brings a different reality. There isn’t a lot that is new from one generation to the next; the stages of life apply to most of us. 60-ish women have (generally speaking) married at least once, raised children, cared for ailing parents, and become grandparents. Some have lost a spouse or become a caregiver. Joy and sorrow march together throughout our lives, for all of us. Every decade brings new challenges, new hurts, and new adventures. I am embarking on a new chapter.
When I start something, I jump in with both feet. I go all the way in, or I don’t go at all. I had an opportunity to work with a high school student a few years ago, and that led me to the possibility of reviving a previous career. I was interviewed by a young company that had a new way of doing things, and I was so impressed I didn’t just jump in; I dived in headfirst. I worked hard and invested emotionally in my students and co-workers, and I believed everyone when they said it was more like a family than a business. That was true initially, I think. It was the first “corporate” job I’d had in 30 years, and now I remember why I stopped working for other people. Now, I’m weighing my options. Very recently, I was blindsided, knocked down, flattened, by someone I admired and believed in, someone I thought was a friend. I was elevated and rewarded two months ago! Talk about whiplash! I am still reeling, but one thing I know about people is they can really disappoint you sometimes. But I am getting off the floor and moving in a new direction on my own terms. I make my own damned rules.

It’s time to restart, revitalize and revamp my life, and I’m always up for a new adventure! Travels with Tam is back, and I’m going to add to my children’s book series, Ocean Friends, too. And yes, I’ll dive back in headfirst because that is who I am. So, stay tuned!

I am sorry that someone disappointed you in such a hard way. Something similar happened to me, and I was devasted for years. You are an amazing person, and I am thrilled that YOU ARE BACK in whatever way you want to show up. I am not on social media as much and miss a lot, plus the algorithms are ridiculous – You don’t really see much. Take good care! Suzanne
Thank you Suzanne. Yes, this was a tough one, but who has time to waste? It’s better to move on. You are amazing, too! You have really branched out, and I love seeing your grand babies!
Tam, I don’t know what happened, but please know that it is not about you. How people treat us is about them….I know you realize this, but it’s easy to forget that when we are upset, and in a grief state. I love and appreciate your healthy attitude in moving forward and finding your light. Carry on my dear friend. Have fun, and just keep being you !!!!
Does anyone know me better than you do? It was easy to forget in the beginning, but I’m ready to get going. I miss you, dear friend, and thank you.
I don’t know what happened to you, but I do know the deep hurt of betrayal. I know it’s hard to trust or believe in the good. I know it can feel like you will never breathe again. AND…. I know that resilience — and a good tribe — make all the difference. Cheering for you as one who knows the confidence-shattering pain of betrayal, as well as the sheer excitement of standing on the other side, victorious!
Karen, thank you so so much for taking the time to send support my way. I’m happy to see this today…I’m having a bit of an emotional day. Thank you!