How I love Jane Goodall! She is such an amazing woman, a role model for generations of women, and an iconic figure in the world of conservation. I have blogged about her before in my series, “Amazing Women Wednesday”, and have urged younger generations to venerate Dame Jane. As of Friday night, she has truly found her way into my heart.
On September 25 Jane made an appearance on Real Time with Bill Maher (possibly my favorite show on television). Bill, that incisive, sardonic, and unforgiving comic, had a discussion with Jane about Cecil the Lion. Dame Jane admitted she can’t get into the mind of a hunter who will actually go out and shoot a beautiful animal (especially an endangered animal). “It actually makes me sick,” she said. Maher remarked that the reason these hunters did it was because they have a small penis. Jane replied, “They must have a very small penis.” Check out the video!
In addition, Donald Trump and his lawsuit against Bill Maher came up. Did you know that the Donald sued Bill for suggesting that Donald Trump’s father was an orange orangutan with the same color hair? Jane remarked that it was an unkind comparison…to the orangutan!

Dame Jane and Bill, you made my day. I actually had to watch it three times because I was laughing so hard. (You probably realize by now that if you aren’t fairly liberal or moderate, you might not want to read this.) Living in Dallas I am surrounded by Conservatives (well meaning, I am sure) and I look forward all week to getting my dose of progressive politics via @billmaher. I did enjoy all the Pope and John Boehner talk last night, but Dame Jane, you were the best.
Oh yes, my “red” friends (funny how that has such a different meaning now than it did 30 years ago!) Bill may be blasphemous and wicked and bring up taboo subjects, but underneath the comedy is social commentary which is first rate. I love me some Bill, and some Dame Jane, too. They are keeping it real.