My first live television interview! I am so thrilled that my first book has gotten attention from the media! I was asked by Channel 4 San Antonio Living to make an appearance on September 26, and of course I went! Not knowing what to expect, I was a little nervous. I became more comfortable as it went on, and I believe I will be ready for the next ones! Yes, I have more interviews on television, radio and print coming up! You can find my updated schedule on my author page at http://tamtravels.wpengine.com/tam-warner-minton-author-page/. As more appearances are scheduled, I will update the page!
My first book, ALL FISH FACES, is the first of a series called OCEAN FRIENDS. I want to inspire this generation and the next to preserve our oceans, which are in such critical condition. I also want to continue my solo travels, my citizen science trips, and I will continue to urge all to #exploremore and know that it is never too late to make a difference!