Watching your diet for the whole year and reversing all that hard work during the holidays is a reality for almost everyone. No matter how carefully you watch your weight, just a few holidays can put to waste all those moments of observing carefully what you eat. Holidays are conducive to gaining weight. For one, you aim to derive maximum pleasure from the few off-days that you have from work. This means that you intend to spend most of your time trying not to move much and stuffing your mouth with whatever you can. Moreover, though this sedentary lifestyle is punctured by some moments of you going out with your friends, that too involves going to all the famous eateries you did not find time to go. Even if one is not at home and is travelling to their favorite holiday destination, they would still find it difficult to keep their weight in check. After all, when you go to a new place, you want to experience it to the maximum, and that experience involves trying out food that is part of the culture of the place you are at. Hence, during the holidays, it becomes really difficult for one to maintain their weight. [Read more…] about 5 tips to avoid weight gain on your Holiday Getaway
Texas Hill Country is an Amazing Destination!

You may already know how much I love Texas Hill Country! The Hill Country is truly an amazing destination. I’ve been to the Hill Country several times, but I am eager to keep going and to see and explore more of it! These photos are from my latest trip, a lovely week we spent in Spicewood, Texas, on Lake Travis! We stayed at Kahala Sunset Lodge, and I very highly recommend it! You can find the Kahala Sunset Lodge in Spicewood at VRBO, or HomeAway!
[Read more…] about Texas Hill Country is an Amazing Destination!
Basic Vocabulary to Know When You Travel!
You have to know basic vocabulary when you travel!
Solo traveling is one of the most wonderful experiences you can have. Sure, it’s daunting when you first set off, even if you’ve researched everything you can possibly think of! But once you are on your way there are so many amazing new people to meet, and so many sights and experiences to share, that you’ll forget you were ever nervous about leaving home! [Read more…] about Basic Vocabulary to Know When You Travel!
This is the Season when Giving is Good Any Day of the Week!
It is Giving Tuesday, everyone! Giving is a good thing! Generosity is always a positive. At this time in our history, I believe it is imperative to do something, whether it is for people, the environment, or our fellow creatures. These are all causes that need support, and are worthy of your generosity. Why not give to:

- Genesis Women’s Shelter, Dallas, Tx: Genesis is an important part of our fight against domestic violence, which still happens everywhere in the world. Genesis provides housing, training, and child care for those in need. Their Christmas program may be the only gifts these children, and mothers, receive. You can choose your family size by clicking on their website . Give a happy holiday to a family in need.
REEF Survey Team December 2015 St Lucia - REEF is an organization of divers and ocean enthusiasts who are dedicated to protecting our oceans. Ocean Conservation is one of the most important issues of our time. We need our oceans healthy and alive in order to breathe, eat, and live. I have donated and given time on one of their expeditions in St Lucia. REEF is a wonderful organization!
International women indeed! USA, USA, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Scotland, and USA living in Mozambique. Helping conserve our oceans and marine life. - Marine Megafauna Foundation: There are several ways to help Marine Megafauna save these giants for future generations! Become a Marine Guardian, Adopt something BIG, or become a Sponsor. You can also give back by participating in Citizen Science on their Ray of Hope Expeditions! I have done several of these trips and it benefits not only Ray of Hope, but one’s self!
I’m photographing a Giant Manta Ray on an expedition with Marine Megafauna’s Dr Andrea Marshall. - No matter your political affiliation, the separation of children from their parents is just plain wrong. There are still separated families and frightened children without their parents. You can give to to help reunite families. What better gift to a child than to be reunited with her/his parents?
- I met Paul North of Meet the Ocean in Antarctica! Paul’s non-profit is educating the public on the importance of the saltwaters of our planet. Employing science, storytelling, and encounters from earth’s most remote locations, MTO combats environmental apathy and further understanding of how the ocean functions, in order to better protect it. Giving to Meet the Ocean helps educate kids!
There are so many organizations out there worthy of your time and money! What organizations do you routinely give to? Please leave a comment and tell us what charities you support!
Travel that Teaches: the Small Fortress at Terezin, the Paradise Ghetto
Last week I published a blog about Terezin, and travel that teaches, but no blog on Terezin, or Theresienstadt, would be complete without talking about the Small Fortress, where horrors of unbelievable proportion were perpetrated. The fortress served as the Gestapo’s prison from 1940-45, and the vast majority of prisoners there were Czech Resistance or Czech Communists. 1500 Jews who were fighting with the resistance, or who broke rules at Terezin, were also imprisoned there. I will let the photos speak for themselves. [Read more…] about Travel that Teaches: the Small Fortress at Terezin, the Paradise Ghetto
First Time Cruising Tips!
If you have never been on a cruise ship before there are some things you should be aware of before you make your booking. Of course, personal choice comes into everything, but here are a few pointers to hopefully make your first cruise a good one.
Check Out The Ship
Of course, you need to make sure you are happy with the shipping line you are booking with but you also need to check out the ship. Some of the older ships do not have so many facilities as the newer ones. This might not be a problem if it is relaxation you are after. However, if you want to be able to have lots of activities while aboard, you should probably opt for one of the later ones.
Most cruise lines refurbish their ships every 5 years or so. It is worth checking if this had been done to the ship you are considering, as they may have added more facilities at the same time.
Be Aware Of The Layout Before Booking Your Cabin
Cabins on ships are a bit like the rooms in hotels. The bigger they are and the better position they are in, the more they will cost you. The ones in the center of the ship, with no external views, are usually the cheapest but they also happen to be the best if you are likely to suffer from seasickness. It is in these cabins that any rocking caused by a rough sea is less felt.
If you are on any of the lower decks you could find yourself beneath a dance floor or the swimming pool. This can be good as it means you will not have to go far to reach them, but you have to be prepared for the noise they will create.
If you have the funds, a cabin with a private balcony can be ideal. Then you get to see all the views in the peace and quiet of your own room.
Whatever cabin you choose, check for any problems as soon as you get there. If there is a broken tap or no showerhead, tell a member of the crew straightaway. These things should be put right before the passengers board, and you do not want to be blamed for the damage. [Read more…] about First Time Cruising Tips!