Teaching Kids and their Families about Tropical Reef Fish might Save our Oceans!
Climate Change is a serious issue, and our oceans are under heavy stress. Every time I go on a dive trip, I see how much more bleaching there is, how many fewer fish there are, and how much warmer the water is. How can we truly make a difference, and assure our children and grandchildren understand the problem and the stakes involved? Grandma and Grandpa need to pay attention as well, since we are the ones leaving an over heating planet to our descendants.
My book, ALL FISH FACES, Photos and Fun Facts about Tropical Reef Fish seeks to educate by sharing photographs of reef fish faces! Along with the photos and fun facts about fish, there are suggestions on how we can each make simple changes in our lives that could make a big difference.
In addition, I am adding videos about these fish to my YouTube, and I would love for you to take a look, and of course, subscribe! Let’s spread the word, and maybe by learning about our fishy friends, we might also learn that we need to make changes if we want to keep our oceans, and our lives, intact.

I am planning a Second Edition, and additional books to the series, but for now I will be posting videos! I hope you enjoy, and share, them!
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