The next day was our Great White Shark Adventure, which turned out to be a pretty lousy day. Did we see a Great white shark or two? Yes…a BIG one. But no breaching, and the visibility was so bad that they could not be seen from the cage. The weather was awful, swells of 8 feet or more, there was definite seasickness on the boat. One poor woman was completely passed out. Seal Island has over 30,000 seals living on it…they make quite a noise and one does not want to be downwind. It is sickening, absolutely. Overall, we were tremendously lucky with animals…but the weather did not cooperate with the sharks. The boat and captain have been on Nat Geo, it was just a lousy winter day. Worth a try!

We spent our last day going to Cape Point and the Cape of Good Hope, driving and seeing wildlife, and of course, having a fabulous meal on the waterfront. Our guide took us to a marina to see the “seal man” who has “tamed” a wild seal who comes daily to visit and be fed. We all enjoyed feeding this huge guy! He is in his thirties we were told…he is hugely fat!
We stopped at an ostrich farm and fed ostriches….it was great fun, but I was really the only one that loved it. They are so funny….and strange looking! But I loved them. I laughed so hard and could not stop when they pecked my fingers…I heard Ran say to the kids, “Now you know why I married your mother!”. Ran is so sweet. sigh.

We drove up the Cape Point and saw baboons, one was even sitting on a car! One needs to be a little careful with these guys. If they decide to sit on your car, that is tough luck for you! You’ll be waiting until they choose to get off! We also saw a baboon family of three…they are so human! The baby was so pink and only a day or so old.

That evening was one of the best sunsets we have ever seen….we have a great view from our balcony of the ocean, but we walked down to the water to see the sunset.
Africa has been a revelation in so many ways…we all want to return. It has been a tremendous adventure and one of the best experiences of our lives.