Randy has not only been approved to be on the Lung Transplant List at UT Southwestern, he is number one on the list. My daughter and I were with him when he found out and he was absolutely overwhelmed. He cannot understand why he is so deserving of the number one spot, but he is very happy about it, as we all are. He is working hard with the occupational and physical therapists to remain as strong as possible for the surgery. Randy is positive.
The last few days have been a flurry of events. My cousin, Lisa, arrived Saturday morning with her daughter, Brittane, and later on Saturday Spencer, her son, arrived. One of my husband’s very best friends, Brian, flew into Dallas from Memphis to visit. Randy’s dad, Rex, arrived on Wednesday, another of Randy’s closest friends, Tony, drove in from Louisiana to visit him for a couple of hours. The texts, emails, phone calls, and prayers are pouring in. Several other friends have been visiting as well. We are heartened by all the people who care. You really know who cares about you when something like this happens…..and we are blessed.

My cousin Lisa and I have been close all of our lives. She is a couple of years younger than I, and our daughters are the same age, just 3 months apart. Our boys are 18 months apart. We have remained close their entire lives. Holidays, family vacations, visits….all important events for a cemented family relationship. Although the kids are 3rd cousins, they are as close, if not closer, than 1st cousins, and I hope they will be so for the rest of their lives. For the first time in quite a while, the four of them were together: Spence, Britt, Ally and Wes. Lisa and I have made an extended family with ropes of gold, I hope. I am so grateful Lisa is here. It’s not that we even talk that much about really emotional things….but we are right next to one another, standing by. It has always been that way and I trust it always will be.
Lisa and Brittane leave tomorrow….and more of Randy’s friends are arriving. Now, that is a story for a later date. These guys are quite a special group. But right now, I know that any day, any minute the call that lungs are on their way could come. I guess I am talking around that fact because although I know he needs new lungs, it does frighten me.

Randy asked me and our children, Ally, 26, and Wes, 22, to spend a bit of time with him today. He had things he wanted to say to us as a family….it was very emotional. We have been a close (albeit loud) family, with differences now and then, but a family rooted in love. We have done so much as a family, gone through so much together. Like all families, we have had our ups and downs, but the love and willingness to help and try has always been present. We have grown together, adventured together, and been grateful together. We want Randy to continue with us, I cannot bear the thought of losing him, or the thought of my children losing their father. Randy is strong, I know he can succeed.
I know this blog is a bit frayed around the edges, but hey, so am I!