Zale Lipshy University Hospital is one of the world’s premier neurological diagnostic and treatment centers. Randy was moved there today! One step closer to home. We are so excited that he has come so far! He was being tremendously hard on himself, but he now has more understanding of how terribly ill he was, and how far he has advanced. I haven’t been to Zale yet, but plan to go tomorrow. I don’t know what his schedule will be like yet, but I imagine he will be very busy. I am in the process of scheduling the remainder of the transplant classes, pharmacy classes and nutrition classes that we both need to attend.
The house is really coming together: I have gone through every cabinet, every drawer in the kitchen, laundry room, garage, living room and master bedroom….I am culling ruthlessly, and everything looks almost empty. The new gas logs went into the fireplaces today, so we have beautiful fires (which Randy and I both love) with no smoke. Clean burning so no worries for Randy, but they are a surprise for him so shhhh! I have purchased battery operated candles as well (they look pretty realistic and have timers). New floors, garage cleaned out, new drywall, fresh paint, and will be scrubbed spotless. New blinds installed on Thursday, everything designed to lessen the amount of dust in the house. Wes and Carisa leave for Austin (their intended home) on Wednesday morning, so the house will down to me, Luke, Lucy, and during the day, Remy, Ally’s dog. And of course, all the people working on the house!

I have been exhausted. My friend Lyn and I went to our joint birthday dinner Friday night, to RISE no. 1, a fabulous souffle restaurant off of Lover’s Lane, and I could barely stay awake long enough to get home (my artichoke, Nicoise Salad and Pumpkin souffle were amazing). The next morning I had to go to the bank with my brother to do some business for my mom’s estate, and I was almost afraid to drive home, the exhaustion was so pervasive. I haven’t made myself slow down….I did have a massage, but I have been so focused on getting the house ready for Randy to come home I haven’t taken enough time for myself or for my emotions. I’ve had a few cry sessions, but I could use a couple more.

So, Sunday I rested, and at 430p-630p I did a yoga class at The Mat, in Dallas, a special class to deepen one’s practice. It also includes basic yoga philosophy. The teachers, Samantha Martin and Becky Strahan, are incredible people. Gentle, thoughtful, and as we say in “yogi”, mindful. I have done yoga since the 90s, when my back started to become worse and worse, and I was more and more limited as to my usual activities. It has been my Physical Therapy and in no small part, my emotional therapy as well. I have long studied yogi philosophy and sought to apply it to my life, and I have studied in some depth the first four of the eight limbs of yoga. Samantha and Becky went over 3 of the Yamas last night: ahimsa (non-violence, or do no harm), Astaya (non stealing), and Satya (truth). After all these years they pointed something out right away that I had never even considered: doing myself no harm, not stealing from myself. Seems obvious now, but I have never thought of applying these things to me. Novel concept, not to hurt myself! In terms of yoga practice, it would mean not to overextend, not to do too much, to treat myself gently…but it also means that in life as well. I have to take better care of myself, and now that I consider it in a personal light, it makes complete sense. So, my new goal for just myself, is to do myself no harm…get enough sleep, eat right, and learn to say no. And yoga, of course, plenty of yoga!