For the last 7 or 8 years I have worked as a college consultant, in private practice. Four years ago, October 19, 2009, I received an unbelievable phone call: my student, Tracy Fisher, a young woman who was one of my student bloggers on my College Adventures Blog, had passed away, suddenly, while at Mizzou. After a time, it was discovered that Tracy died of a blood clot. The next day, October 20, 2009, would have been her 19th birthday. Today, the fourth anniversary of her passing, I am thinking of Tracy…. bright, talented, and oh so enthusiastic Tracy.
I met Tracy when she was a junior in high school. She did not know what she wanted to do in college, become an actor/singer or a journalist. She decided on journalism, and was overjoyed when she was accepted at Mizzou, one of the best journalism schools around. Tracy was in school with my son, Wes, so she came over for parties and “hang outs”. I watched her perform at RHS as she was in the theater magnet there. We worked together in my office putting her essays together and double checking applications and discussing summer opportunities…and laughing. We did quite a bit of laughing.

Tracy happily blogged for me when she went to Mizzou. Her blogs are a testament to her excitement about being at Mizzou and her enjoyment of college, her classes, her writing, and her social life. She always bubbled over joyfully about all of her experiences, always finding the positive in situations that others might consider negative. She was consistent and prompt with her blogs, and happy to share photos.
Her parents are lovely people, and I still cannot imagine how they have handled this with such strength and grace. Her mother posts a lot on Facebook, and her spirit always amazes me. She remembers Tracy often, and refers to the “pink sparkles” (Pink was Tracy’s “signature color”) of life. I think of them today, and how much their lives have changed, and how much I admire them.

Tracy is gone….but her essence remains…and her memory is kept alive. But oh, what Tracy could have been! She was talented and young and ambitious and bright. So many people miss her today, and every day.