September 10th was one year since my husband’s (Randy) shocking double lung transplant. Randy was having some breathing issues, but his respiratory failures from August 2013 were shocking events that rocked our family and friends. He was critical for 3 months, on life support for 12 days. Our gratitude to the donor and his family is boundless. This donor saved many lives, not just Randy’s. His heart and liver were also used as donor organs. (To read about the ordeal, visit the category, An Unexpected Journey, lung transplant, on this blog.) Today we celebrated his one year anniversary as a REBIRTH Day, with a brunch at Lark on the Park. HAPPY REBIRTH DAY TO RANDY!

Our celebration this morning was lovely, and delicious (Lark on the Park is a fabulous restaurant, across from Klyde Warren Park)! While sitting at the table I looked around and felt so fortunate to have my family intact. And not only intact, but growing! Next year BOTH of my children are getting married! It is a joy to realize that next year will be a year of celebration.

The last few years have been so difficult. Not just for me, but for our entire family. The Wheel of Fortune turns, and it seems as though it is turning upwards for us. We all have good times and bad times in our lives, and I fully realize that it is not possible to live in the sunshine all of the time. The warmth of the sun is very welcome.

One year is an important milestone. He’s working out, walking, and even played golf last week! My daughter made a toast this morning, and said that she and Wes (my son) are very glad that tube dad is gone, and their real dad is back. (Tube dad was one week post transplant, and he was angry and frustrated and could not understand why we couldn’t understand what he was saying. He had a tube down his throat, that’s why!)
In two weeks we will be at Randy’s 40th high school reunion (yes, I know he is so old!), and toward the end of the month we’ll be in Kentucky for a family wedding. This will be the year of the wedding bells! My son and his fiance will marry in May, followed by my daughter’s wedding in October.
I know this post is pretty random, but the truth is, I am feeling very hopeful. Hopeful that the wheel is turning toward happier times and good health. It is hard to believe it has only been a year since things were at their lowest ebb. I feel like the sun is coming out after a long, dark winter. Here’s to the Journey Ahead!