As a native midwesterner, I have to say I LOVE Chicago. What a great city! Fabulous night life, restaurants, art, theater, parks, lake…and so on and so forth. Chicago is a bit different from the other large, popular US cities like New York, Boston, San Francisco….because it is down to earth, and accessible. One doesn’t feel that one cannot drive downtown, one doesn’t fear snobbery (not much, anyway), and anyone on the street will be happy to help. Chicago is the midwestern version of “the big city”. As a midwestern girl (as the Beach Boys would sing) I appreciate frankness with no airs.

My husband and I had a dual purpose in visiting Chicago last week. One of our friends had a daughter getting married at the Westin River North (lovely view of the river!) and Randy had his 40 year high school reunion in La Grange, where he grew up. As a bonus, my hairdresser, Eric, whom I have known since 1990, just moved to Chicago and it was lovely to have dinner and then lunch with him. Eric knows his way around Chicago, and took us to the most wonderful restaurants I’ve ever been to in Chicago. First, he took Randy and I and another (reunion) couple to an Italian eatery called Topo Gigios. Randy and his lifelong friend Murph have been eating and drinking in Chicago for many years, but Murph has decided that Topo Gigios is his new favorite Chicago restaurant. That means it is really good! Strange name, I thought, until my Baby Boomer friends (older baby boomers, I’m on the tail end) informed me that Topo Gigio is a cartoon character who was often on the Ed Sullivan Show. I’ve seen reruns of Ed, but I have no memory of the real show back in the 50’s or 60’s. Well, the mouse character is in the restaurant, and as long as he can cook fine Italian cuisine, I love him!
The next delicious venue was Siena Tavern. Siena Tavern is a contemporary establishment, with modern decor and reservation only seating, even at lunch! Eric and I had lunch at the bar, which was actually fun as we kidded around with the bartenders. The menu changes with the seasons….Eric had Italian ribbon noodles while I enjoyed Mozzarella and walnuts, covered with honey. Sigh. Siena Tavern is having Truffle Tasting through October 12….email events@sienatavern.com. Very tasty!

The wedding was fabulous, and most of us danced all night. Well, I danced a few times, but many others truly danced the whole time. Randy and I hung out with the Lyons Township High School reunion crowd, and had a great time. The next night was the reunion, and visiting the places of Randy’s childhood. The 40th reunion was quite emotional as Randy was very lucky to be there at all. One year ago, Randy had a double lung transplant and came very close to death. It made the reunion all the more sweeter for us all. (you can read about that journey HERE). I was unable to visit my students in Chicago….next trip!

Well, I will be off on a nostalgic trip of my own soon, as my cousin’s daughter is getting married on October 25 in Kentucky. I’m going to drive up early, stop at the Clinton Presidential Library, check out Hendrix College (did you know I am a college counselor in private practice? Well, I am!), look at Indiana U in Bloomington, and spend time in Ohio with my “sister” (long story…our parents were best friends and we were raised in each other’s pockets…but she is older and she and my older brother tortured me. Which explains a lot about me, actually!
So safe journeys to you, and I will be checking in along the way!