WHAT a great weekend it has been! These guys are simply the best. Here’s the story:
My husband, Randy, had an unexpected respiratory collapse last August, and in September, after 12 days on life support, he had a double lung transplant (I did blog during that very unexpected journey). During this incredibly difficult time, friends rallied like…well, like friends! Among our wonderful, fabulous friends, is this group of guys, Randy’s childhood and college friends, a group known as “the Dons”. Why are they the Dons? Well, some of the story isn’t really tell-able, but long story short, there was a guy in their high school that they knew, and they just started calling each other by his name, which was “Don”. Whatever. For some reason, it seems to fit. You have Don, Don, Don, Big Don, and Donnie. Oh, and don’t forget Don.

This group of guys is truly a novel. And a fascinating study of male friendship. When they found out Randy was ill, they didn’t wait, they grabbed a plane and came to see him. They came from California, Chicago, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Atlanta. They came to laugh with their buddy who was on the lung transplant list and to offer me their love and support. These guys and their significant others have been so kind to me, so loving, so supportive. Like family. After Randy went into rehab in October, they all came in again, to celebrate the fact that their friend made it through. Just before they left the first time, while Randy was still conscious, they decided that they would all come back in January, again, to celebrate Randy’s recovery. They were true to their word, and some brought wives and girlfriends. Of course, the girls couldn’t really talk together because the Dons are LOUD. Really loud. And once the stories get going, you don’t want to miss a single word.

Stories? These guys have stories. I mean, from grade school on, they have stories! Most of them I have heard, but they are so entertaining, I can listen for …. 30 years worth! Of course, we have gotten together on and off for many years, but there have been times when not one word has passed between them for like 7 or 8 years! They pick up, right where they left off. Amazing. They are there for each other for weddings, christenings, funerals, divorces, Chicago Bears games (they are Chicago boys, except one who became a don in college)…they have supported each other through life’s trials and joys. Guy trips, couple trips, I have never spent a second with any of them that hasn’t been great. Both of my kids (yes, I know they are 26 and 23 but they are still MY kids even though my son is engaged to be married!) were here for the dinners and stories this weekend. Randy’s dad, still Mr. Minton to the Dons, joined us one night. One of my close friends came and observed as well…with her mouth hanging open! As I said, they are LOUD, and there is NOTHING sacred. Not even the jokes about how they should have pulled the plug on Randy, complete with flat-lining noises! They are just too, too funny.

Randy had Chicago Italian Beef and Sausages flown in from (you guessed it) Chicago. If you have seen the SNL skits about “da Bears” and “Ditka”, and there is a Ditka commercial out now where they grill the sausages on an airplane, you will know how important this food is to the Bears fan. As exhausted as I am, I am happy to have had such a fun, and warm, weekend with friends. The truth is, I think this was the very best medicine Randy could possibly have had. I think it energized Randy and gave him more incentive to work harder and harder to regain his health.
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So guys, Mike, Tom, Dave, Tony, Brian, and Pete (who was not able to be here this weekend), I hope you know how much I appreciate and love you. I hope the Dons will be together again, for many many years of love, stories, and laughter. Especially the laughter!

Such a beautiful story about friendship–how lucky you and your husband are to have the Dons!
Yes, very lucky.
Thanks, and I agree with you 100%
What a beautiful story of friendship. I know you realize how rare this is in today’s world-is-my-playground era. To have friends that you grew up with. And stayed friend with. That is rare, even in families! Thank you for sharing the Dons with us!
These guys never cease to amaze and fascinate me!
This is truly a heartwarming story! Good friends are worth their weight in gold!
Yes, they are. They have really touched my heart.
What a great story! I want to be friends with the Dons! It’s so rare to hear stories of male friendships like this. So heartening and so important. Thanks for sharing it, and long live the Dons!
They amaze me. All they do is laugh, laugh, laugh. Great therapy for all involved! It is a fascinating bond.
Tam you are a blessing. As a Don, I cannot tell you how much I agree with all you said, but perhaps you left out one important point….the Dons also go back home after a visit with you and our buddy Randy with recharged batteries and an incredible sense of relief. We count our blessings and marvel at the miracles of modern medicine. THANK YOU for the incredible hospitality and love. Murph
You are always welcome, as you know. Thank you, Don!
Really beautiful.
The one area of life I won the lottery in is friendship and I thinks that’s so important—always appreciated them but now…
Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness.
These friendships are truly amazing. Yes, friends can certainly make you richer in life and love!