It is Meatless Monday! I’m back with some facts about why everyone should go meatless at least once a week.
Did you know our population is expected to grow by 3 billion? “A shift in developing countries to eating more meat, and global consumption on track to double in 40 years point to the mother of all food crises down the road”. Add to that a crisis in the ocean which could lead to depleted fisheries, and the crisis is beyond belief. Did you know that “how much food we grow is not just limited by the amount of available land but meat-eaters need far more space than vegetarians. A Bangladeshi family living off rice, beans, vegetables and fruit may live on an acre of land or less, while the average American, who consumes around 270 pounds of meat a year, needs 20 times that”. The average American eats 270 pounds of meat a year! 270 pounds! I don’t know about you, but thinking about that makes me a little nauseous.
30% of the surface area of our planet is used for growing food for the animals we want to eat! 30%! Scientists say that we could feed twice the number of people on the planet if we would grow that food for human consumption instead of for the animals we want to eat. Food for thought, my friends! No pun intended.
For Meatless Monday I have more suggestions on vegetarian food you can eat! I bought an air fryer, and one of my favorite meals to fix in it is Gardein’s Crab Cakes. I love them! I don’t think you’d know you weren’t eating crab! I fix it with a little salad and perhaps some sweet potato fries. Yum! I think I know what I am having for dinner tonight!
Information from The Guardian
barbara free
It really makes you think……our planet absolutely needs to make some changes. I’m not off all meat yet, but eating less.
Tam Warner
That is wonderful! Even cutting back can make a huge difference!
Sara Broers
Ohh.. you caught me with air fryer! What other things have you found to cook in it? I have one, but am struggling with how to get the most use out of it.
Tam Warner
I cook sweet potato fries, onion rings (all frozen), veggie burgers, hamburgers, crabless cakes, crab cakes, and it is completely awesome for leftovers from restaurants. Don’t be afraid to take french fries home, they crisp right up in the air fryer! It has been wonderful for cutting saturated fats from our diet! Love it!
Tonight I stuffed red and yellow peppers with a mix of quinoa, zucchini, eggplant and feta! I love vegetarian!
Tam Warner
You are amazing! A great cook and foodie!