I have written many articles about amazing women. Each one of them makes a considerable contribution, as do many of the women we hold as role models such as Michelle Obama, Jane Goodall, Gloria Steinem, Hillary Clinton, Dr Sylvia Earle, and those role models who have left us, such as Maya Angelou, Mother Teresa, Rosa Parks…there are so many of them, so valued, so respected.
But what about every day women who are making a difference? Who praises them? Hopefully someone does. I hope each one of us does our best to make the world a better place, in our own way. I could not possibly give you a complete list of the women I admire, there are simply too many of them. Some of them would not want to come out of the shadows, would not want any links leading to their online presence. I will respect that, but I still want to try and acknowledge them. Others are bloggers, or activists, or scientists, or business women who are online and would not mind my sharing.
Why do we have a day to celebrate women? Women are still not equal in our world. Women do not earn the same as men do, the biological fact that women carry children holds them back professionally, men in most societies do not man up and do their share of raising children or taking care of the home. Women are still bought and sold against their will, undergo genital mutilation, are sold into marriages they do not want, and forced to hide their very faces from the world. Women still have to fight for every inch of ground. Damned right we should celebrate women! Here is a small group of women whom I admire, and who are making a difference simply by living their lives.

I have left out SO MANY WOMEN. Please, in your comments, tell us about a woman you think is amazing! Let’s acknowledge as many amazing women as we possibly can!
I know some of those amazing women! YOU are included on that list of amazing women as well! Thank you for celebrating women with the world today Tam!!
Thanks, Kim!
Oh Tam, I am so honored to be mentioned in the company of such great women. Thank you!
Nancy Hill (@nerthus) recently posted…A Life of Grace and Focus – Great Aunt Carrie
You are very welcome. Women’s Legacy Project is so important to all of us!
What an honor to be included in this post of some of the most beautiful, inspirational women including you Tam.
You are sweet. I hope you get some book sales from this post!
Tam wow. Thanks so much for including me with so many women I also follow and respect. Plus I have added a few more to my list. The great thing about midlife. Gone is the idea that that there is only so much pie. And you must cling to the piece you have. You in this post have shown that the pie has endless pieces for all to share and learn from and enjoy. Thank you.
They are all wonderful, aren’t they? I like to think there are many pies, of all different flavors.
Thank you for this amazing and hugely inspiring list. I have found several new blogs to follow!
Margaretha (Midlife Maverick) recently posted…Midlife Wisdom: Collect experiences, not possessions
What a fabulous list of women, Tam! What I’m most struck by is your generous love and appreciation to the women around you — you are a true role model! Thank you for putting together such a warm tribute to the women that have touched your life, and thank you for including me in such an esteemed list. This post is a fitting tribute for International Woman’s Day!
Any woman would be lucky to call you ‘friend’!
Kimberly XO
I could never include all the women who have touched my life…that would be a very long list indeed. Thank you!
Thank you for including me in this amazing group of women! We need to celebrate each other every day. xo
Absolutely. Especially now!
OMG. How did I miss that? And I’m in it! You are so sweet! But as you know, I read your posts avidly as I am a travel lover. My trips are tame, compared to yours, but you totally inspire me. And of course, so does Randy. Thank you so much for including me! xoxo
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