3 Tips For People That Want To Hike The Appalachian Trail
The Appalachian Trail is one of the most famous hiking trails in the world, and it even makes an appearance in the book Wild and the movie of the same name. It is the longest “hiking only” footpath in the entire world. The trail stretches between Springer Mountain in Georgia and Mount Katahdin in Maine and takes in some breathtaking natural landscapes along the way. It’s a popular hiking spot and millions of people do it every year. If you’re a keen hiker, it’s sure to be on your bucket list. But it is very important that you prepare yourself and realize this hike requires a high level of fitness. It takes between 5 and 7 months to complete the entire trail, but don’t worry, if you cannot hike the whole thing there are plenty of smaller hikes! Whether you plan to hike it in smaller bits, or set a goal to do the entire Appalachian Trail, here are some important tips that will help you along the way!
Do Your Research

This is probably the most important piece of advice that you will get. As a former university lecturer, research is my middle name! It’s important that you know what you are letting yourself in for and what preparations you will need to make before you leave. Even if you are an experienced hiker, this experience will be a lot different than normal hiking. You need to learn a lot of new skills along the way. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that you can just dive into this hike without doing your research because you will really struggle. It’s important that you manage your expectations because a lot of people start out expecting it all to be great fun. But in doing the entire trail, the truth is that some parts of the hike will be grueling and it’s not all picturesque. It’s the mental battle that people struggle with more than the physical battle and that is often because they have unrealistic expectations. Hiking the entire trail and doing shorter hikes are very different activities.
Invest In The Right Gear

Getting the right gear is absolutely essential if you are going to survive this trail. You can make any camping trip a lot more comfortable if you invest money in the right equipment, and that’s more important than ever when you will be camping for such an extended period. You need to make sure that you buy good quality, lightweight camping gear that is easy to carry.
You also need to invest in good quality hiking gear like boots and waterproof clothing so you can withstand the elements and avoid any injuries along the way. If you visit the OUTDOORCOMMAND website, you can find plenty of great reviews to help you choose the best gear. Preparing yourself with the right equipment is key to success, so be prepared to spend some money! Hiking the entire trail is an investment!
Plan Your Budget

Speaking of money, you need to draw up a budget before your trip. A lot of people drop off the trail because they run out of money so, even though they want to continue to the end, they can’t. It’s a real shame to cut your trip short for such a silly reason, so make sure that you plan your budget properly.
It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to complete the Appalachian Trail, but if you follow these tips, you can increase your chances of success.
Be a Sustainable (and Polite) Hiker
This is important regardless of how long the hike is, or where you go. Don’t leave a trail littered with plastic bottles, my friends. In hiking, the key phrase is LEAVE NO TRACE, and that includes things like orange and banana peels, which actually stay for a very long time. And do not feed the wildlife, they are meant to be wild animals, not pets!
So, ready to get started? Do that research, and make sure you are physically fit! Good Luck!

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Good tips! I go crazy when I see folks off trail on hikes.
Totally agree. In Komodo National Park, going off trail means never being seen again!
I bet that’s a beautiful hike. I went on a hike in Banff and was given some hiking sticks to try. I would never have made it without them. I love your tip to leave no trace. We learned that in Girl Scouts but so many people just throw stuff around without thinking about it.
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Banff??? That is one of my dream destinations!
We have been on and off the Appalachian a number of times in North Carolina (Blue Ridge Parkway) and Virginia (Shenandoah NP) doing various hikes. Though we have yet to commit to hiking the actual trail. These are beautiful areas of the country though, with plentiful photography opportunities which we love!
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I’ve done a portion of the Blue Ridge, so beautiful!