How Would you like to hear about some Excitement in Customs at San Jose del Cabo airport? I have a cautionary tale!

I recently went to Los Cabos on a girl’s trip with my daughter and two cousins. We had a great time, but first, I had a little problem at the airport. We flew into SJD, Los Cabos International Airport. If you’ve ever been to Mexico you know about customs and the green or red light you get which tells you whether or not your bags get checked by customs. I had the green light on both my bags, but a customs guy said he wanted to check my carry-on bag.
My carry-on is my underwater photography camera bag. I never check it into baggage, I’ve had too many GoPros, housings, and items stolen! I wish I could check it because it is heavy. I don’t even put my strobes or “arms” in it because I wouldn’t be able to lift it. So, he wants to check my bag, he says. He opens it up and takes out the housing (which pisses me off because it is expensive equipment to replace). He asks how much I paid for it and takes a photo of the serial number! He checks the price on Google, and charges me 16% of what I paid for it! It is at least 6 years old, but I paid duty as though it was brand new.
To say this was irritating is an understatement. After coming home I looked online at Wetpixel dot com, and they report all about it! Too bad I didn’t read it before I left. I’m not a professional, but even if you are an amateur, beware of the Cabo airport! Read about it on So, instead of screaming words like “this is bullshit” and “I’m so pissed off”, I will shake it off, and write about the good times we had on the trip! After I’ve chilled a bit, that is.

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