One of the most exciting events to look forward to on the Great Barrier Reef in July are Dwarf Minke Whales! As the name says, for a baleen whale they are rather small, growing to a maximum of 8 meters, or 24 ft, and on the endangered list, thank you Japan for slaughtering Minkes illegally every year. The ones I saw this year, off of the Spirit of Freedom, were not that large, but it was a thrill to see them. Sadly, I only had a few seconds to enjoy a close, eye to eye encounter. A few times we “snorkeled” (we were hanging onto a rope) in order to see them, and on the day whales came close, an event on board shut the encounter down.
A woman onboard who was also on the rope, had breathing issues. I’m still not sure what happened, whether she had a panic attack or a seizure, but she had a health incident and the crew got us all out of the water. I was the last person on the rope, so I was lucky enough to have a short encounter with two whales, a mum and a calf, but it did not last long enough. I was face to face with them, no more than 6 feet away, but I had to get out of the water so the boat could take off for Lizard Island so she could be airlifted to Cairns. The story had a happy ending, she was stable by the time we got to Lizard Island, thank goodness. But the whale story certainly was cut short! The crew was very professional and dealt with the emergency quickly and well.

After the airlift, the boat headed for famous Cod Hole. The dive site is famous for large (and I mean LARGE) Potato Cods who will come close to divers. The dive master feeds them to get them to hang around. Sadly, I only saw one Potato Cod, but it was a very cool experience being face to face with that big boy (or girl!). All of us thoroughly enjoyed the spectacle!

I’m sorry … I’ve been looking at these images so long I forgot what I was going to say. They are such beautiful creatures!
Especially the diver, right?
I have a question. Can we pul-LEASE trade lives today? I so want to be in the water, seeing these beauties and just feeling as alive as you do when you’re underwater. Oh, how glorious for you, Tam. Thanks so much for sharing this with us. It warms my heart. And then some.
As you warm mine. I am in the middle of planning a possible trip with a travel company, maybe you could come with us!!!
Those are some BIG-ASS fish, Tam! What a thrill to be so close and swimming with them!
The post is just fantastic! Have a nice day:)
Thanks, Irene!
That water is so clear and so blue! I love your photos and to be that close to those BIG fish must be amazing.
It is absolutely without a doubt the most wonderful, exciting and blissful experience ever! Well, almost. LOL
I so enjoy your life!! Your photos are fun and beautiful. I’m going out in to my backyard just to take in a bit a nature because it’s everywhere! Thanks, Tam!
I’m so glad! I’ll be hanging out by the ocean this next week, watch for my nature posts!
So glad you were able to see the whales. If memory serves, there use to be a huge grouper in Cozumel at one time….had a name I can’t remember. It was years ago. Another great experience.
In Cozumel? I know there was a huge Goliath grouper in Key Largo…I saw him, but I cannot remember his name! I want to say “Ben”…I have no idea if he is still around.