September 10th will be one year since my husband’s (Randy) shocking double lung transplant. Randy was having some breathing issues, but his respiratory failures from August 2013 were shocking events that rocked our family and friends. He was critical for 3 months, on life support for 12 days. Our gratitude to the donor and his family is boundless. This donor saved many lives, not just Randy’s. His heart and liver were also used as donor organs. To read about the ordeal, visit the category, An Unexpected Journey, lung transplant, on this blog. HAPPY REBIRTH DAY TO RANDY!

One year! How much can be packed into a single year? Since my mother’s illness and passing in June 2013, the whirlwind has not stopped. As stated above, Randy went into respiratory distress in August 2013, and we came so very close to losing him. A caring donor and donor family, and fabulous doctors at UT Southwestern Lung and Heart Transplant Center saved his life. And friends and family supported my children and I through the entire event. How can anyone be so fortunate? As Rosemary Clooney would say, “I count my blessings instead of sheep.” And they are so numerous.

The ways of fate are strange….I lost my father to lung disease when I was 25, and my mother also passed from the same lung disease. My children were 22 and 26 when Randy became critically ill from a lung disease that was later diagnosed as Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. His last words to me as he was put on life support were, “I’m so sorry I am doing what your dad did to you.” I told him this was different, that HE would live. I never felt like he was going to actually die, though of course the possibility was there and it was strongly probable. I don’t like to tempt fate. I sometimes see “fate” as a mischievous fairy who flits about, causing havoc here and there. I am constantly superstitious about “fate”, as she seems to follow me around a little too much for my comfort. I knock on wood, throw salt over my shoulder, and try to placate her at all times. I never say “this is the worst that could happen”, because she (“fate”) has taught me that there is always something worse.

In some ways I feared more for my children than for myself. What on earth were the odds that they would lose their father like I did, at a similar age? I don’t know. But there is always the possibility lurking as lung transplant patients have the lowest survival rate of any transplant patients. One of the reasons is the fact that the lungs are the only organs open to the air (except the skin, of course), so the danger of bacteria, germs, and illness is always present. Randy wears a mask to protect himself in large crowds or when near those who are coughing or sniffling. I am very hopeful and confident that Randy will live a long life, but as I said, the fear always lurks in the background. The trick is not to let the fear overtake you…to remain positive and hopeful and enjoy every minute. Don’t wait to do the things you want to do….time is not guaranteed to any of us.
How could I possibly thank our family and dear friends who supported us through the worst experience of our lives? They visited Randy, from Dallas and from around the country. They sent meals, they sat with me, with our family, they prayed, they hoped, they sent their best and most optimistic thoughts. They sent cheerful emails, and loving messages. They came to the hospital with food and friendship and hope. ( I don’t hold my weight gain against them!). I could never, never express my gratitude adequately. I hope they know how much I love and treasure them, and every act of kindess they performed.

Randy continues to gain in strength every day. From not being able to walk or lift an arm 11 months ago he is now lifting weights, walking, and traveling once again. We took an amazing trip up the Pacific Coast Highway and to Lake Tahoe. He has now been cleared for international travel (within reason) and for easy, relaxing scuba diving!

2015 looks to be a year of joy. Both of my children are engaged to be married, and within four months of each other! It will be a busy, but very happy, time in our lives. We move forward with optimism, love, and joy into a bright, promising future.
Thank you all for your love and support. I am in love with the world, and hope that you are all blessed with good health and happiness! Today, life is good!

Happy Birthday Randy and family! Keep on Keeping on!
We will, thanks!
Tam Warner recently posted…Double Lung Transplant, ONE YEAR!
I am so glad he is doing so great! I imagine it was a horrifying time in your family. Thanks for sharing.
Rena McDaniel recently posted…ABOUT “AROUND CHARLESTON”
Thank you!
Tam Warner recently posted…Double Lung Transplant, ONE YEAR!
What a wonderful story and a beautiful family!!
Michelle recently posted…Work Day Mornings With Priscilla, Queen Of The Cubicle
Thank you!
I just left Munich, Germany where there was a meeting of 25,000 lung doctors and researchers (including my husband) from all over the world. Randy is living proof of why they do what they do. Best wishes for his continued good health. Congratulations on your childrens’ engagements. The metaphorical nest always has room for a few more people to love.
Suzanne Fluhr recently posted…My Boomer Baby: Meet Mr. Excitement
We are so grateful to them!
What a year it was for all of you! So grateful for your friendship and so happy to see what a wonderful year is in front of you and your family!
and I am grateful for yours. I really enjoy our times together!
Congrats to Randy on his good health and to both of you on your children’s engagements! There is much to celebrate in your household!
I have to have a double lung transplant when I lose weight. I haven’t talked to transplant team yet. I’m on oxygen 24 / 7 6 Ltrs at rest and 10 /12 walking. I have second thoughts sometimes about the transplant because we’ve lost so many on the sites I keep up with. If he had to do it again would he? I’m 62 and my husband is also disabled with neuropathy diabetes spinal stenosis. I have 3 girls 8 grandkids and 1 great grandchild that’s what keeps me going. I thank God every day and night for letting me breathe another day. I go to Vanderbilt Pulmonary Clinic and have a fabulous Dr. I will be having another CT in Sept. to see if different. I was diagnosed in 2014.Thanks for sharing your ups and downs! God bless you and your family!
and bless you. I hope you will be able to have the transplant. Would he do it over? Absolutely. He is coming up on four years post transplant and he is doing very well. Four years we have had with him that would have been lost. He is very much on top of his medications and doctor’s appointments. We are grateful every day.