What do you know about the cool critters under the sea? There are so many of them, and I would love to give you an introduction! Let’s take a look at Shrimps, a type of crustacean! These are not the kind you eat, by the way! These are the fascinating cool critters you see when you scuba dive.
Crustaceans are arthropods. What is an arthropod? They are jointed creatures like insects, spiders, or crustaceans. My son loves to tell me that ocean crustaceans are the insects of the sea. He is correct, and like insects, they often have many legs. Shrimp, crabs, lobsters, barnacles and hermit crabs are all crustaceans. Let’s take a look at various types of shrimp! Some are so tiny one can barely see them, others are a bit larger. All are fascinating cool critters!
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