Did I mention I was traveling to Cozumel? Well, I haven’t been here since last July, and Randy became so critically ill right after we got home (glad he didn’t go critical in Cozumel, he wouldn’t be here), and many things have just been put to the side because of Randy’s recovery. The need to find new management prompted the visit, but a lot needs to be done. So, now painting is scheduled, I’m oiling some furniture (yes, OILING it, it is wood), I bought new appliances, and new outdoor furniture, and new kitchen stuff, and lamps…etc. A lot of other things are in the works. I’m spending tomorrow making sure we all have our duckies in a row.
What struck me when I arrived was the quiet. The Cozumel government decided (finally!) to enforce the one way only coastal road between the ocean and our home. Now the traffic is southbound only, and no taxis allowed. The other lane is for walkers, bikers, runners, scooters, segway tours, and things like that. It is so quiet! I hear my chimes in the breeze, the birds, the wind through the palms, and even the ocean once in a while! (we are on the leeward side of Cozumel where the water is very calm). I’ve just been mesmerized by it! Today is Sunday, so the locals are on the beach, but they will leave southbound instead of northbound! Awesome. This is just fantastico!

So, the first day I arrived I jumped in the water to snorkel right away. It was very peaceful….and I’m staying shallow because I am alone. But shallow is fine. I met with our new managers the next morning, and it went very well, even though I was so distracted by the quiet and the blue of the water. Then I had things to do, like go over to the mainland and buy stuff. I hate taking any time away from the water, but I forced myself on the ferry. Of course, as I pulled out of our palapa to leave, I accidentally hit the rear view mirror driver side and busted it. Ever tried driving without it? I do NOT recommend it. I ended up taping it on! So off to Playa del Carmen. I found a cab, told him I wanted to go to Liverpool *(department store) spend 30 minutes shopping and rush back to catch the next ferry back. So that is what we did. It took a little more than 30 minutes…even though I had all the model numbers ready, it takes them a while to figure out the sale. Whatever, just hurry it up! After 45 minutes or so I was finished, so back to Playa. I needed water so I stopped into an Oxxo, and left my Liverpool bag in the store. Don’t worry, I got it back. I also realized on the ferry over that I had forgotten to bring my cell phone. Oh, and I also forgot to lock the door to my house. It is so true: I would leave my head behind if it was not attached. Idiot!

I had a couple of nice, easy going dive days, then scheduled a day of the cursed shopping. I went to the lighting store, Boxito, which is a big retailer here for home decor. The light I want is hanging on display. But I was informed it does not exist. It’s in the 2014 catalog. Oh. Well, it is no longer available. Anywhere in Mexico. Sorry. OH! There are two in Playa del Carmen. I said great, I’ll take those two and the light on display at the store, and that will make the 3 lights I need. THAT was an issue. Special permission would be needed. The next thing I know, the lights are not in Playa, they are nowhere to be found in Mexico. Period. My head was spinning. Then it was off to Sam’s with Laurel, our next door neighbor and former manager. Now, when I shop, I walk in, tell them what I want, then I get OUT. I hate shopping, especially here. It took over an hour for me to buy the things I needed. The salesperson had to check with his superiors a million times. Anyone not familiar with the 3rd world would have an attack if they went shopping down here for anything other than souvenirs.
Now, there may be people who bristle at my calling Mexico a third world country, the now PC term “developing nation”. But it is. And here is why, I have one criteria for whether or not a place is 3rd world. If the country still uses carbon paper to make copies, it is 3rd world. End of story. And yes, they still use carbon paper down here. It has come a long way, but they still use carbon paper. It is also the truth that in every 3rd world country I have visited I have noticed the lack of problem solving skills. There must be a study on this, I will have to look. But from Mexico to Zimbabwe to Mozambique to Nairobi…no one seems to be able to solve a problem. And when YOU come up with the solution, they look at you as though you just grew 3 heads. And of course, they don’t do it. They just pass you on to the next person who will not be able to help you.

Ah. As I sit in my dining room, looking at the bluest of Caribbean seas, I have to admit it is worth the aggravation to be here. I snorkeled once today, but I need to go back out at sunset and hunt for octopus. Today I looked for seahorses. No, I did not find any, but I know they are there! Well, back to oiling my table, then heading out to see what is going on in MY ocean. I’ll let you know.