While in Buenos Aires my friend Annie and I were excited to take a day trip to Tigre, a town north of the city. Of course our trip was arranged by the fabulous Maria Corbalan Bespoke Tours. Tigre, a popular town for tourists north of Buenos Aires, is on an island in the Parana Delta. We took a boat trip and enjoyed seeing the Delta and the communities there. Living in the Delta, you need to be sure you order all your groceries, because the grocery boat only comes once a week! Certainly the area is varied and fascinating in its appeal. To live in a place where the only transport is boat must be incredible, both in its simplicity and its difficulties. My friend Annie and I enjoyed our trip to Tigre, and particularly our journey on the Rio de la Plata, the widest river on earth. The River of Silver does look like silver in the sun, but it was named such because of silver mining. I have never been on a river before where I could not see the other side of land! It felt like being on the ocean.
Once we were on the Rio de la Plata we saw sailing clubs, boats and fishing. The views of Buenos Aires while coming into the city were incredible! The huge city looked so small from our viewpoint. A wonderful and fascinating day!