What a great trip to Vegas and Paris! I went off to Vegas two weeks ago with my daughter and a friend who were there for a photographer’s convention. I had a great time! I gambled and hung out in a Panorama Suite at Planet Hollywood while they were off networking and taking classes. I am a video poker player, and I receive a lot of perks from the Caesar’s Group, so I started out by requesting the Batman suite. It turns out that they redecorated, and there are no more themed rooms or suites. The suite was beautiful, yes, but truthfully, I missed the Hollywood flavor of the themes. I loved the Batman Suite! It was soooo cool with the 1960s Batman show memorabilia. Things change, and not always the way you want them to. Of course Planet Hollywood is an awesome resort with a great casino and miracle mile shopping, but I did miss the memorabilia! And I still miss the money I lost. Ouch! We did eat at the Paris Resort’s Eiffel Tower (unbelievably yummy, and no I didn’t photograph my food there) and also PH’s new restaurant, KOI. It was fantastic as well! Going to Vegas? Decide how much to lose, choose a great place to stay, and enjoy the show!
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