The Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit in Dallas is an Amazing Experience! An incredible way to experience art.

During the pandemic it has been difficult to go anywhere. With my husband’s immune suppression issues, we have tried to stay away from crowds, including restaurants. As many of you know, Randy had a double lung transplant 8 years ago, and his medications lower his immune responsive tremendously. Fortunately, Randy was able to get a 3rd shot of Pfizer due to his high risk status. With Randy more protected, we decided to get out a bit. We had tickets to the Eric Clapton concert in Ft Worth, but as the Delta Variant became more and more prevalent, and Clapton would not allow a mask mandate, we ended up giving our tickets away. We also had tickets to the Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit in Dallas, and because they mandated masks and social distancing, we decided to go. And it was worth it!