In order to stay in touch with my readership, I would like to ask you the following questions. My blog is going well, but it can always be made better, right? I would appreciate it if you could either answer in comments, or email me at Thank you so much!!!
- What do you enjoy the most about Travels with Tam?
- What topics are of the most interest to you?
- Photo blogs?
- Stories? What kind of stories?
- Personal writing?
- Travel writing?
- Dive trips?
- Reviews?
- Solo Travel?
- Midlife Journey?
- How often do you think I should post? Right now I try for 3 times per week. Should I do more? Or less?
- Does graphic design on blogs interest you? Are you attracted to blogs because of their “logo” or design?
- For those who are members of the Travels with Tam Community, what made you sign up to hear about new posts? If you have not yet signed up to get notified when I post, why haven’t you?
- How can I add value, or excitement, to your life? Is there something you struggle with that this blog can address?
I value every single person who reads my blog, or looks at my photos. Every comment is exciting to me because it means we are communicating! I love sharing my life and adventures with you, and would love to know more about your life and journeys through discussion (i.e. comments!).
Thank you for your assistance! I appreciate you so much!