North American Travel Journalist Association Travel Writer’s Awards 2018 honored this post with an Honorable Mention in the Featured Photo, Illustration, Online Category!
Diving the Revillagigedos Archipelago looks quite different from the tropical waters of the Caribbean or Indonesia. The archipelago is so remote, 250 miles south and east of Cabo San Lucas, and the islands are basically just rocks sticking up out of the ocean. I thought I would give you a look at not only the animals, but the awesome structures that exist underwater. These islands are known as Mexico’s “Galapagos” because of the large pelagic encounters which are due to the open ocean surrounding the islands, which often includes strong currents and choppy conditions. Underwater are rocky outcroppings, boulders and walls. There is not much coral as this is a cooler water destination, ranging from 71 degrees Farenheit to 80 degrees F. This destination can only be dived from a live aboard dive boat. This was my third visit, and I know I’ll go back!