Today I want to draw attention to a couple of different amazing women! Zale Parry is the famous female diver from The article is absolutely terrific, and I encourage you to go read it!
My second amazing woman is on TED asking (and answering) the question of dolphin language….can we communicate with dolphins? Watch Denise Herzing and learn about her incredible work with Spinner Dolphins in the Bahamas!
The language of dolphins fascinates me. They are such intelligent creatures.
Denise’s TED talk really excited me! The intelligence and emotional depth of these mammals are as important as our own.
Great example of strong women pioneers proving science isn’t just some “guy thing”. Liked the history lesson and the “giving back” message for her educational philanthropy! Thanks Tam
Wasn’t the TED talk on dolphin language incredible??? There are so many women out there discovering and making incredible changes…I love my citizen science and volunteer trips…the next one is July in Mexico, looking for a third Manta species. Thank you for commenting!