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Who loves penguins? Everybody! And if someone does not like penguins, I don’t want to know them. Penguins overdose us on cuteness. They are a joy to watch whether they are walking, swimming, nesting, or snoozing. I have been fortunate enough to see 5 Penguin Species eye to eye. They are all completely awesome!
- The Jackass Penguin: funny, right? They get their name because they make sounds like a donkey, hee haw! If you don’t believe me, just click HERE and see what I mean! They are also known as African Penguins and Black Foot Penguins. You can only find them on the southern African Coast, namely at Boulders Beach at Simon’s Town, near Cape Town, South Africa, and in Namibia. They grow to about 2 feet tall (less than a meter), and are light like most birds weighing in around 5 pounds. In the late 1900’s their population was at 4 million plus, and now there are less than 55,000 of them, in just two locations in the wild. They are also kept at zoos and marine aquariums. They are endangered, and if something isn’t done, they will soon be extinct. Our family met up with them on Boulder’s Beach in 2009, and we wanted to stay on that beach forever! Penguins are addictive, especially when they sound like Jackasses!
Hey you jackass! Wait for me! The other four penguin species I met in Antarctica with my friend Annie when we traveled with a Lindblad National Geographic Expedition. It was simply amazing to see penguins in Antarctica, it was like being in a documentary! The charm of penguins will become more and more evident!
We met the Chinstrap the very first day we stepped on Antarctica, on Danco Island! 2. The Chinstrap Penguin: the reason they are called Chinstraps is rather self evident. They grow a little over 2 feet and are a bit heavier than the Jackasses because they need some blubber to keep warm in Antarctica.The best news? There are over 8 million of them, breeding in Antarctica, Argentina, Chile, Falklands, and South Georgia Islands (not Georgia US, Georgia in the Southern Ocean). Cute, cute, cute!
This Chinstrap was very friendly and stayed with this lady for quite a while! It just walked right up to her.
Another Chinstrap. Adorable. What else can I say?
Look at that face!
The Queen of the Chinstrap Penguins!
My first step on Antarctic soil brought thousands of penguins!
I loved watching the adults with their chicks! These are Gentoo Penguins! 3. Gentoo Penguins: I found that the Gentoos have a lot of personality. They are here, there, and everywhere! They are busy and they don’t really care much that humans visit their breeding grounds. We met them several times, on Danco Island and Brown Bluff, especially. Walking with purpose, they make a loud trumpeting sound with their head thrown back. The fastest swimming penguin, Annie and I spent hours watching them “porpoise” right outside our window. They are quite fast, and can really make time in the water. Their bills are bright orange, and so are their feet. Gentoos can get quite testy with each other about their nest space. Nests are guarded, and made of a circle of stones. Making a great looking nest is what the male needs to do to get a mate. Some lazy males steal stones from other nests, and when they get caught it makes quite a flap! They are the third largest of the penguins, and grow to almost 3 feet, and 19 pounds is the maximum for weight. These bold penguins strut around like they own the place, which, I guess they do!
You can see the nests are rather close together which gives way to a few arguments!
Watching them swim was one of the best shows I’ve ever seen!
4. The Adelie Penguin: these penguins are hysterical. Where one goes, all will follow. Their marching was just fantastic to watch at Brown Bluff. They were skittish, stayed tightly together, and were just too fun to watch. These darlings truly look like they are wearing tuxedos! They grow to around 2 feet and weigh up to 13 pounds. At Brown Bluff (in Antarctica) we could see Adelies everywhere, because there were 60,000 breeding pairs at that location alone! Delightful!
One for all and all for one!
Marching With 60,000 breeding pairs, a few arguments are bound to take place! Aren’t the gray fuzzy chicks cute? 5. The Emperor Penguin: what a gift! Emperors are the largest of the penguins and nest in the dead of winter when it is dark and too cold to even contemplate trekking let alone taking care of an egg and a chick. We saw a few of them, and the entire ship came out on the decks to watch them. They grow to 4 feet and can be 100 pounds! They really are remarkable, and just watching them at a distance was an absolute thrill. The photos look like I used a background…it was snow!
Stately! Talkative!
Dance anyone?
A belly ride to the water! I now need to go back to Antarctica to see King Penguins and Southern Rockhoppers, and to New Zealand and environs to see more Rockhoppers! Have you seen penguins in the wild? Where? Did you fall in love with them?
Brown Bluff where Gentoos and Adelies are mingling!

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Wonderful post! I didn’t realize there are so many species of penguins! they are such captivating creatures. I am not a fan of the cold, so I’m not sure I’ll ever get to see any in the wild. So thx so much for making me feel like I was there. 🙂
Doreen Pendgracs recently posted…a visit to The Hershey Story chocolate museum
I was surprised in Antarctica, when the sun was out and it was in the 30s, it was quite warm! The penguins are worth the cold! And in South Africa, you can do it in the summer when it is warm with the Jackasses!
Dang, Tam, you have seen a lot of wild penguins. That is so, um, cool. Love it!
Charles McCool recently posted…8 Great Places to Eat in Charlotte North Carolina
I like to see animals wherever I go, and penguins are so cute! A delight to watch
OMG I love penguins and your photos are fabulous! How lucky you were to see so many!!
It was heaven!
Lucky you to see so many penguins! I do adore them as well. Once in Chile I made my fellow travelers go out of their way on a dirt road for several hours to see some of the little guys and they grumbled the whole way until we got there and they SAW them. I forget what kind they were and we weren’t able to get very close, but it was such a high!
Penguins are magical, I think. They just instantly make one happy!
Thank you for this informative post. I have seen penguins in Argentina and South Africa – so cute. I’ve written about the African (Jackass) Penguin. They really sound like donkeys! Their numbers are luckily recovering a bit on the islands near South Africa
I love your photos. We were so taken with the “dassies”, or rock hyrax. I took a lot of photos of their cute funny faces!
Consider me overdosed with cuteness. Love seeing all these cute,expressive faces. The Linblad National Geographic cruise has always sounded so interesting to me. Would really like to get to Antarctica.
It is well worth it to go, even if you have to make a little sacrifice here and there. Who knows if our poles will still have ice in 10 years?