On a dive in St Lucia last week, our group had a visitor. We were all thrilled to see an Eagle Ray, but when we saw that it had a hook in its face and was trailing fishing line, the group went into action. Fortunately, one of the divers had a pair of scissors, and our dive master, Errol, managed to cut a huge amount of line off of the ray. The Eagle Ray made a second pass, trailing only 10 feet or so of line compared to the 100 feet of line it had just moments before. I only wish we had been able to help with getting the hook out, but the animal did not come close enough to allow that, unfortunately. However, the Eagle Ray will manage much better with only the short amount of fishing line left….and I hope somehow, that the hook comes out.
There aren’t the best photos, but from the distance they are the best I could do!

Fortunately with time the salt water will corrode the hook and it should fall out or the ray’s immune system will create an abscess around it and “spit” it out. Hope one of those cases proves true!
I hope so! I really want to think that will happen!