lung transplants

Transplant World’s Version of the Roller Coaster

Recap:  Randy had a double lung transplant 17 months ago, and 3 weeks ago the doctors lowered his antiviral medication,…

9 years ago

Philanthropy: 5 Worthy Organizations Who Need Your Help!

These organizations need you!  And, hey, just before the end of 2014, which means you can write them off your…

9 years ago

9 Months Post Transplant and the Roller Coaster Ride Continues

In September, 2013, my husband, Randy, had a double lung transplant. The crisis happened quickly, and was certainly not anticipated…

10 years ago

Randy’s Recovery Continues!

For those who do not know, I will recap:  in August, my spouse, Randy suffered a respiratory issue, they diagnosed…

10 years ago

Rejection Episode

February 16, 9a.m.:  yesterday Randy received a call from Dr. Fernando Torres' office (he is the Head of the Transplant…

10 years ago

So Much to be Thankful for!

It is Valentine's Day, and Randy and I spent it at UT Southwestern, as the lung transplant team decided yesterday…

10 years ago