Transplant. An Unexpected Journey

The Roller Coaster of Transplants

The roller coaster never stops. Randy has been feeling quite well after a shaky start this year. In January he…

9 years ago

Photos: Excitement on the Reefs of Cozumel!

Not only dives! The snorkeling has been amazing as well. The little stuff has been incredible! Diving isn’t all sharks…

9 years ago

Randy is in Cozumel!

Fearing to jinx it, I haven't said anything about our trip to Cozumel this summer. It has been two years...and…

9 years ago

Push Me Pull You

Do you remember the Push Me Pull You two headed llama from Dr. Doolittle? If you do, you must be…

10 years ago

Is it time…to simplify?

The Empty Nest has changed our lives. Randy's double lung transplant has changed our lives. Our son married 3 weeks…

10 years ago

Transplant Reunion Dinner at UT Southwestern

The University of Texas Southwestern had their annual transplant dinner on Friday night, April 10. It was our first time…

10 years ago

And the Wheel is on the way back up?

Wheel in the sky keeps on turnin', don't know where I'll be tomorrow, wheel in the sky keeps on turnin'.....(Love…

10 years ago

Another Surprise from Transplant World

One thing I can say about living in Transplant World: it is never dull.  Actually, we could all use a…

10 years ago

A Lesson about “Normal”

  Normal is a very subjective word. What is normal for one person is certainly not normal for another. At…

10 years ago

Fab Photos Friday….sort of!

Oy, what a trip!  We've seen dear friends, attended a fabulous charity event, and spent time with family...all while trying…

10 years ago