Transplant World: on the Mend

  What a long, long week it has been.  I am so tired I cannot keep my head up, but…

10 years ago

Transplant Challenges

I never thought that Randy's lung transplant would be easy, or that there wouldn't be health issues afterward. One tries to…

10 years ago

A Hospital Bed in place of a trip to Cozumel

  In Transplant World, one shouldn't count one's chickens. My post about Randy going to Cozumel for the first time…

10 years ago

The unexpected is the norm in Transplant World

Walking into the new Clements UT Southwestern University Hospital today felt like going back in time. Back in time to…

10 years ago

Randy’s first trip to Cozumel since his transplant!

Yes, Randy has been given the OK to travel to Cozumel and to scuba dive! We have planned a two…

10 years ago

The Best of 2014

The last few years have been, for me, at least, a perfect storm. Circumstances have conspired to create the most challenging…

10 years ago

Philanthropy: 5 Worthy Organizations Who Need Your Help!

These organizations need you!  And, hey, just before the end of 2014, which means you can write them off your…

10 years ago

Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep

Do you remember Rosemary Clooney?  Yes, George Clooney's aunt and famous singer from the 40s 50s 60s era.  In White…

10 years ago

Chicago is my kind of town!

As a native midwesterner, I have to say I LOVE Chicago.  What a great city!  Fabulous night life, restaurants, art,…

10 years ago

The Journey Ahead

September 10th was one year since my husband's (Randy) shocking double lung transplant. Randy was having some breathing issues, but his…

10 years ago