Fab Photos Friday: Elephants

Donald Trump Jr holding the the tail of an elephant he killed this past week (yes, I know holding the tail is an African sign of respect) caused quite a ruckus online. For this Fab Photo Friday I thought I would share elephant photos from my safaris and from my volunteer experience in Thailand. Elephants are charismatic animals…touchingly close and maternal, majestic and often friendly. I still think it is an oxymoron to say that in order to save a species, hunters need to pay to kill a member of that species, but that’s just me. Even when the herds are too big, I can’t say I am enthusiastic about hunting. Since humans seem to have screwed up nature’s balance, I suppose hunters are needed…but I could never kill an animal myself. Yes, I feel badly enough about chickens and turkeys and pigs and cows…factory farming not only harms our environment but is cruel and unnecessary. Anyway…here are some of my favorite elephant photographs. The Asian elephant numbers are down to about 2,000 in the wild in Thailand…their extinction is almost a sure thing. Notice how elephants ears take the shape of the continent they are from?

You can see the coloration of the mouth…an albino elephant in Sabi Sabi, Kruger, South Africa.
Asian elephants using tools in Thailand
The African elephant in Chobe, Botswana. Photo credit Randy Minton.
Elephant moms and their babies are inseparable, and it takes many years for mother to teach her baby all it needs to know. Taking a baby from its mother is cruelty for such highly evolved, intelligent and emotional creatures.
Only bulls come into the Ngorogoro Crater in Tanzania.
Enjoying a rub down in Lake Manyara, Tanzania.


A parade of elephants in Tanzania
Nothing like a mother’s love, Tanzania.
This elephant is musking (*producing scent) and look at those tusks! Lake Manyara, Tanzania.
Elephants on the hillside….Serengeti, Tanzania.
In the waterhole, Chobe, Botswana.
After a nice drink and soak. Chobe, Botswana.
Our tracker, Pat, did a great job finding elephants! This guy is among the largest we saw. Sabi, Kruger, South Africa.
Big guy.
An adorable baby…so curious! Sabi.
Close up.
Two young bulls testing their strength in Chobe.
A drink in the marshes, Chobe.
My daughter and I volunteered at Elephant World in Thailand in 2014. This elephant was blind.


Volunteering at an elephant sanctuary
Randy and Wes taking photos in Chobe, Botswana.
Tam feeding elephant
Affection after a mud bath! Thailand.
With Lam Duan, a 57 year old blind elephant
Swimming in the river with elephants, Thailand.
Nicely submerged for a nice cool off to end the day’s activities.




Tam Warner

Award Winning Travel Journalist and Blogger, writing about Eclectic Travels in the Empty Nest! From scuba to luxury cruises to kayaking to expeditions, Tam is ready to go! Contact me at travelswithtam@gmail.com

Published by
Tam Warner

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